Conservation Efforts Successful Thanks to Hunters & Anglers
Every time a hunter or angler purchases a sporting license, or buys hunting and fishing equipment or related items, they are participating in a subtle, yet successful conservation program that has been at work for more than 75 years.
Prescribed Fire and Bats Webinar
With bat populations declining due to white-nose syndrome and other factors, it is critical to strike a balance between the use of prescribed fire for managing natural areas and the need to protect bats and their critical habitats.
Save Grassy Cove Celebration
A Kick-off Celebration to Save 1,000 Acres in Grassy Cove.
Webinar on Wetland Restoration in Urban & Highly Disturbed Landscapes
The Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM) is pleased to invite you to attend the next webinar in our popular Improving Wetland Restoration Success webinar series on “Wetland Restoration in Urban and Highly Disturbed Landscapes.”
Endangered Species Act Protection Not Needed for 10 Species in the Southeast
The Cumberland arrow darter, Shawnee darter, Sequatchie caddisfly, American eel, and six Tennessee cave beetles do not need protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week from October 11–17, 2015
To celebrate the nation’s enduring connections to the natural world and the unique ways nature touches everyone’s lives, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is celebrating National Wildlife Refuge Week from October 11-17, 2015.
Appalachian LCC Conservation Planning Specialist Earns PhD
Paul Leonard received a PhD in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology from Clemson University for his dissertation focused on habitat connectivity, mapping gene flow, and using supercomputing to speedup conservation planning.
Steering Committee Advances Landscape Conservation Planning and Design in the Appalachians
At the 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee meeting, resource managers and wildlife administrators from throughout the region formally designated priority ecosystems and associated resources to focus the LCC’s landscape conservation efforts.
Tennessee River Basin Network Workshop and Awards Celebration
The Tennessee Valley Authority and the Tennessee Aquarium sponsored a first-of-its-kind meeting that gathered regional conservation partners to celebrate successes conserving aquatic biodiversity in the Tennessee River Basin and to facilitate discussions among partners for greater cooperation and strategic effectiveness.
LCC Names New Executive Committee Members
We have tallied all the votes for the election of our next slate of officers who will serve as the Appalachian LCC Chair, Vice Chair, and Executive Committee Officers beginning in April 2016.
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Convenes Meeting with 3 LCCs
For the first time outside of Alaska, staff from multiple LCCs overlapping the same state met with a state agency to solicit feedback and share updates on their cooperatives’ products and tools.
Managing for Species Adaptive Capacity
A new paper authored by researchers at federal agencies, regional partnerships, and universities, including Appalachian LCC Coordinator and Senior Scientist Dr. Jean Brennan, proposes a new conceptual paradigm for adaptive capacity.
Appalachian LCC Science Delivery Workshop
The Appalachian LCC is setting up a science delivery workshop to share recently develop products and train partners in decision support planning tools.
SARP Seeks Habitat Restoration Coordinator/Project Manager for Native Black Bass Initiative Program
The Habitat Restoration Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the NBBI Business Plan with a primary focus on habitat restoration to benefit shoal bass in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river basin.
Environmental Educator Broadcast: Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
On August 26th, Appalachian LCC Coordinator Jean Brennan, National LCC Coordinator Elsa Haubold, and National LCC Communication Coordinator Laura McClean participated in a live broadcast that provided an update on the work of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) to environmental educators.
SEAFWA Conference
The annual conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is a forum for the exchange of ideas and critical information regarding the management and protection of fish and wildlife resources primarily in the southeast.
Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) Symposium
This symposium will present recent progress and suggest important next steps for key elements of this conservation adaptation strategy, 1) network of landscapes and seascapes, 2) conservation collaborations, and 3) landscape change information.
Appalachian LCC part of Premiere Climate Education and Literacy Training Program
The inaugural Educator Climate and Conservation Colloquium (or EC3) brought together 50 teachers and school decision makers from across the nation to receive training on campus sustainability and wildlife conservation issues to better serve schools and communities.
Global Vulnerability of Forests to Climate Change-Related Tree Mortality is Widely Underestimated
Forests worldwide are vulnerable to growing risks of drought- and heat-induced tree mortality and forest die-off because of a rapidly warming Earth, according to just-published research in the scientific journal Ecosphere. The paper is an invited “ESA Centennial Paper” to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Ecological Society of America.
Environmental Education Update - Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
This session will feature Elsa Haubold, National LCC Coordinator, Jean Brennan, Appalachian LCC Coordinator and Laura McClean, Science Applications Communications Manager presenting an update on the Cooperatives and sharing information about environmental educational resources available for use by educators.