The Anchor Approach to Connectivity
ANCHOR is a new conservation approach that builds Areawide Networks to Connect Habitat and Optimize Resiliency. The approach guides investments in strategic “anchor” locations to connect wildlife populations, enhance landscape resiliency, and strengthen rural economies.
Wildland Fire
The Wildland Fire site within the Landscape Partnership portal serves as a clearinghouse to support technical experts as a community of practice, currently focused on the southern states. This site links individuals and diverse groups with the information each maintains on wildland fire on their respective internet sites, and our hope is that we will send more traffic to our partners' sites.
Eastern Deciduous Forest Health
Forest management affects wildlife habitat by altering the structure and composition of vegetation communities. Every wildlife species uses a specific set of resources associated with different species and ages of forest trees (e.g., nesting cavities, den sites, acorn crops, fruit resources) to survive and reproduce. Forest managers, wildlife conservation groups, policy makers, and other stakeholders often need to review the literature on forest bird-vegetation relationships to inform decisions on natural resource management or ecosystem restoration.
Southeast FireMap
Fire is a critical but little-known part of landscapes across the southeastern United States. The Southeast (SE) FireMap is a tool that aims to address this gap by helping users accurately track and understand fire patterns across the Southeast.