Southeast (SE) FireMap
Fire is a critical but little-known part of landscapes across the southeastern U.S. The Southeast (SE) FireMap is a tool that aims to address this gap by helping users accurately track and understand fire patterns across the Southeast.
A beta SE FireMap Version 1.0 was released in March 2021 and an improved SE FireMap Version 2.0 is anticipated by 2025.
SE FireMap Version 1.0
Web Map Viewer
Explore the data online!
This product maps all detectable fires, including managed prescribed burns and wildfires, across nine states in the southeastern United States.
(Please note that the viewer is not currently compatible with mobile devices)

SE FireMap Version 1.0 Data Request:
The v.1 data is available for download on a case-by-case basis. To submit a request, please review and fill out the data use agreement form.