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You are here: Home / Projects / Connecticut River Watershed Pilot

Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot


 In the Connecticut River watershed and across the nation, large connected natural areas provide habitat for fish, wildlife and plants and provide jobs, food, clean water, storm protection, recreation and many other natural benefits that support people and communities.

To ensure a sustainable future for these resources in the face of climate change, urban growth and other land-use changes and pressures, scientists and conservationists must work together to strategically conserve these large landscapes.


Latest News

The project website,, has been launched! Send questions and feedback to Maritza  (

A quick start guide specifically intended for core team members has been created. A number of features are now being used to provide additional information and context to the core area network layers as they are being viewed on Data Basin. For further assistance, contact Renee (

Workspace Content

About the Pilot Learn more about the Connecticut River Watershed Pilot
Conservation Planning Atlas How-tos, fact sheets, and webinars on using this resource 
Documents Information and materials pertinent to the full pilot landscape conservation design process. Includes preliminary and draft descriptions of the process and objectives. Also includes technical documents and general information being used in the pilot, such as a list of representative species.
CTR Pilot Core Team

Information about the Core Team

Meeting Agendas and Materials

Aquatic Technical Subteam

Meeting Agendas

Materials: handouts, presentations, misc. documents

Terrestrial and Wetland Technical Subteam

Meeting Agendas

Materials: handouts, presentations, misc. documents
