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Preserving Working Lands Conserves Habitats

Working lands not only provide food and fiber for our nation, but also an assortment of environmental benefits such as critical habitat for wildlife.

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Appalachian LCC Research Update: Phase II of Landscape Conservation Design 

Dr. Paul Leonard of Clemson University will provide a research update to the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee and interested partners on the results from Phase II of our Landscape Conservation Design. 

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USGS Study Reveals Interactive Effects of Climate Change, Invasive Species on Native Fish

USGS Study Reveals Interactive Effects of Climate Change, Invasive Species on Native Fish

A new USGS study shows non-native Brown Trout can place a burden on native Brook Trout under the increased water temperatures climate change can cause.

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Finding the best science available on fire ecology and fire regimes in tallgrass prairie and oak woodland ecosystems

Managers and planners need scientifically sound information on historical fire regimes and contemporary changes in fuels and fire regimes in tallgrass prairie and oak woodland ecosystems to make informed management decisions.

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Georgia's Revised Wildlife Plan Approved and at Work

A statewide strategy to help conserve hundreds of Georgia animal and plant species has been revised and is being put into practice following federal approval.

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Request for Proposals - Conservation Web Map for the Little Tennessee River Native Fish Conservation Area Partnership

The Little Tennessee River Native Fish Conservation Area Partnership seeks a qualified contractor to collaborate with the Partnership to develop a web‐based watershed assessment, planning, and interactive mapping system that showcases conservation goals and target focus areas in the Little Tennessee River basin and also allows interactive collaboration, analysis, and data management of this web‐based watershed plan.

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TWRA Partners Workshop

The Appalachian LCC, in partnership with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, provided a science delivery workshop to update Tennessee partners on the LCC and their recently developed decision-support products.

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Chucky Madtom Draft Recovery Plan Available for Review

Chucky Madtom Draft Recovery Plan Available for Review

The Chucky madtom’s recovery now has a road map and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is looking for your input before it is finalized to be sure it gives conservationists the best chance to ensure the rare catfish once again thrives in East Tennessee.

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Managing Forests for Birds Video Series

Managing Forests for Birds Video Series

A new video series by the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative highlights the importance of proper forest management in improving a diversity of habitat for birds and other wildlife.

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Central Appalachians Fire Learning Network Annual Workshop 2016

An annual meeting for federal, state and private land managers working in a collaborative effort to enhance capacity to implement ecological fire management in the Central Appalachian Forest, Western Allegheny Plateau, and Cumberlands and Southern Ridge and Valley ecoregions.

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Webinar: Navigating the Data Basin Platform: A Guided Tour

An introductory tour to demonstrate multiple ways to explore and create content in Data Basin.

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Webinar: Tangible Landscape as a tool for modeling and science communication

In this webinar the Conservation Biology Institute introduce Tangible Landscape, a technology that links an interactive physical model with GRASS GIS through a real-time cycle of interaction, 3D scanning, geospatial computation, and 3D rendering.

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Climate-Smart Seedlot Selection Tool Webinar: Reforestation and Restoration for the 21st Century

This project’s main objective is to produce an interactive mapping application that will help forest managers match seedlots with planting sites.

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Land Trust Alliance is Calling All Filmmakers and Land Lovers!

Land Trust Alliance, TennGreen's accrediting body, is hosting a film-making competition about YOUR connection to the land.

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New Web Tool Provides Climate-Smart Seedlot Selection Recommendations

New Web Tool Provides Climate-Smart Seedlot Selection Recommendations

The U.S. Forest Service, Oregon State University, and the Conservation Biology Institute have launched a free web-based decision-support tool to help natural resource managers match seedlots (seed collections from a known origin) with planting sites based on climatic information.

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PFLCC is Hiring! Marine/Estuarine Conservation Target Project Lead & Prescribed Fire Spatial Database Project Lead

Two positions are currently open with the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative (through the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission), with both closing on November 1, 2016.

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SARP's Latest News Update

SARP's Latest News Update

Periodic news updates from the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership.

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Wheeler NWR Partners Meeting

The Appalachian LCC, partnered with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service of Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, to provide an opportunity to introduce Alabama partners to the LCC and their recently developed decision-support products.

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The Powell River gets Infusion of Freshwater Mussels in Restoration Effort

They're small, slimy and extremely slow moving. Freshwater mussels may not pass the eye test as one of nature's key players, but the unique filter-feeding creatures are vital to the ecological health of rivers and streams.

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Successful Recovery and Removal from Endangered Species Act of Native Kentucky Plant a Victory for Conservation Partners

State of Kentucky and U.S. Forest Service played crucial role in recovering the white-haired goldenrod, adding to growing list of ESA successes

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