Breaking Traditional Barriers to Model Climate Change and Land Use Impacts on Freshwater Mussels
Thomas Kwak, Leader of the U.S. Geological Survey North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Professor of Biology, North Carolina State University, will give a presentation on global declines in the abundance and diversity of freshwater mussels that have been attributed to a wide array of human activities that cause pollution, water-quality degradation, and habitat destruction.
Community Engagement on Climate Response Decisions – The COAST Model
In this session of the Security and Sustainability Forum, Sam Merrill, professor at the Muske School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine, and president of Catalysis Adaptation Partners will demonstrate COAST (COastal Adaptation to Sea level rise Tool)
Implications of the National Climate Assessment
Join the Security and Sustainability Forum for the second session in the National Climate Assessment series and hear from NCA lead authors and sustainability leaders from local government, higher education, and industry, discussing priorities for addressing destabilizing threats posed by a changing climate.
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Conservation 2013 Broadcast Series
What does it Matter?Attitudes and Values Make a Difference for Conservation
Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
An All Lands Approach to Ecosystem Services: Water Focus
U.S. Forest Service Landscape Science Webinar
Assessing species risk and adaptability to climate change.
Safeguarding Wildlife from Climate Change Web Conference Series
The National Climate Assessment Report: A briefing on the Public Review Draft with a focus on Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Northeast Climate Science Center Webinar
A Case Study for Identifying Climate Change Refugia
SALCC Third Thursday Web Forum
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and Climate Science Centers: An Evolving Relationship
Addressing Climate-related Uncertainty - new NCTC course
The course will provide participants with a foundation in structured decision making in the context of natural resource management problems addressing climate-related uncertainty. It will also illustrate applications to water resource management, mitigation, and endangered species decisions.
4th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference
At the Crossroads: Looking Toward the Future in a Changing Environment
Providing the Science for Natural and Cultural Resource Adaptation to Climate Change
An Overview and Update of the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and the DOI Climate Science Centers
2013 Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Meeting
Meetings are held annually and provide a forum to discuss NEPARC projects, hear presentations on various herp conservation and research activities, network and enjoy the company of like-minded herp enthusiasts, and elect officers.
The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Session #10: Conservation Planning Tools for Land Use Planners and Natural Resource Professionals
Atlantic Coast Joint Venture Human Dimensions Webinar
Have you been wondering what "human dimensions" has to do with bird conservation? Ashley Dayer of Cornell University will provide an overview of the field of human dimensions, from research to application.
Piloting the National Secretive Marshbird Monitoring Program
Secretive marsh birds in North America are poorly monitored by existing avian monitoring programs. Some marsh bird species are of conservation concern, some are open to sport harvest, and for all species their emergent marsh habitat has been in decline for decades.
Linking Sustainability with Conservation: Operationalizing Efforts to Connect the Environment with the Economy at a Landscape Level
With the realities of globalization and our technological changes, interdependence or interconnectivity is a quality that is fundamentally shaping our era. And given the complexity and scope of our challenges, and the fact that it is no longer possible to separate the environmental issues from the social and economic issues, the conservation community must adapt accordingly.
USFWS Office of the Science Advisor Web Conference Series
Because science is always evolving, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of the Science Advisor (OSA) Web Conference Seminar Series is designed to provide the latest cutting-edge scientific information and research. This series also highlights key OSA priorities, such as science integrity, the FWS Climate Change Strategy, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, and Strategic Habitat Conservation. This program is being facilitated by the USFWS's National Conservation Training Center (NCTC).
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Conservation 2012 Broadcast Series
An effective conservation strategy includes engagement of people within diverse populations. To be relevant, we need to be innovative, resourceful and also respectful of what’s important to the people we are attempting to reach. Welcoming all groups and individuals, including those who traditionally may not be as directly connected.
Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership: Overview and Review of Tools to Support Design & Documentation of Monitoring Programs
Great Northern LCC Webinar Series