AMJV Technical Committee Meeting
The AMJV Technical Committee meets once a year and helps to identify priority areas and actions to benefit priority birds.
AMJV Management Board Meeting
The AMJV Management Board meets twice a year to discuss the major issues, accomplishments, and future direction of the partnership.
Communications, Outreach & Visitor Services Training Workshop: Telling Stories, Making Connections
Our public lands and work in natural resource conservation is rich with stories. These stories grab the attention of our audiences and capture their hearts and imagination. This training introduces innovative communications, outreach and visitor services tools, including storytelling, to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service community and encourages staff to integrate them into their work to build and maintain relationships with key audiences.
South Atlantic LCC Web Forum
Can forests take the heat? Managing pests and ecosystem services in a warming climate
Webinar Series on State Wildlife Action Plan Revision
A webinar series to help states as they revise their SWAPs. Webinars will take place monthly on Thursdays from 1:00-2:30pm eastern.
Wood Thrush Meeting
Two day meeting coordinated by the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture, Smithsonian, USFWS, Audubon and other partners to provide researchers the opportunity to share information, identify knowledge gaps, and discover ways to utilize Wood Thrush as a focal species in full-life-cycle conservation.
2014 ARRI Reforestation Conference
This year conference is focusing on mine land reforestation for water quality enhancement
Maryland Land Conservation Conference
The 14th annual Maryland Land Conservation Conference will take place on April 3-4, 2014. The annual conference is the only state-wide land conservation conference and training workshop of its kind in Maryland, attracting board members, volunteers, and staff from Maryland’s many land trusts and conservation organizations, as well as environmental advocates, elected officials, and planners from federal, state, and local governments
Bats and Wind Energy Workshop
Bat Conservation International (BCI), in partnership with the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA), is proud to announce our upcoming Bats and Wind Energy Workshop in Portland, Maine. This event will combine science, conservation and education to provide participants with the latest research and monitoring techniques.
North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Join other industry leaders dedicated to the conservation, enhancement and management of North America's wildlife and other natural resources.
Building Climate Solutions: 14th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment
Join over 1,200 key individuals from many fields of sciences and engineering, government and policy, business and civil society to advance solutions to climate change.
Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference
The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and collaborators will host the Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference to examine the thoughts and actions related to a nexus approach.
Energy & Security Seminar: Climate Change: Understanding and Communicating the Science
Global climate change poses not only environmental haz-ards but profound risks to planetary peace and stability as well. Our ability to meet these challenges is handicapped by the fact that climate change science is relatively new and highly complex and that a significant number of Americans (23% in 2010) deny that there is such a phenomenon as global warming.
Oak, Fire and Mesophication: Past, current and future trends of oak in the eastern United States
Fire has been a preeminent force over much of the eastern United States for multi-millennia. As such, pyrogenic vegetation types dominated this region in pre-European times, including oak, oak-pine, and pine savannas/woodlands/forests and tallgrass prairies.
Gaining Support and Attracting Participation through Communication
EPA’s State and Local Climate & Energy Program will host a three-part webinar series on communications December 4, 11, and 18, 2013 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. EST. The series will provide information on communications strategies and methods that state and local governments can use to ensure the ongoing success of climate and clean energy programs.
The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
What planners need to know about planning for wildfire protection
Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium Webinar
Reconstructing pre-European fire regimes, forests and wildlife habitats in the eastern United States: Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky
USFS Landscape Science Webinar
Predicting long-term wildlife effects across complex landscapes.
Wetland Link International Webinar
The Association of State Wetland Managers is a member of Ramsar U.S. As a member we have been working with Wetland Link International to provide an opportunity for wetland education and interpretive centers in North America to have a common venue for sharing information and collaborating on issues of common concern.
The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: Considerations for Forests, Wildlife, and Land Use