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Videos and Webinars

Below you can find conservation and working lands videos and webinars developed by our partners. These webinars are meant for a wide range of audiences — from technical experts and practitioners to landowners and the public.


Habitat Assessment Models and Decision Support Tools for Aquatic Habitats

Habitat Assessment Models and Decision Support Tools for Aquatic Habitats

Fritz Boettner of Downstream Strategies presents on the North Atlantic LCC funded project to develop a decision support tool for an aquatic assessment of the Northeast. The presentation focuses on the development of a modeling methodology, process and outputs that came out of the modeling, and how stakeholders are needed for the project to be a success and develop quality assessment outputs.

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Conservation Planning

Conservation Planning

Conservation planning identifies and prioritizes lands that encompass important natural or cultural resources across the landscape (e.g., critical watersheds, habitat for rare or threatened species) and develops protection and management strategies for these lands. It is a process where science is at the core of planning, but the science is informed by groups of stakeholders using their on-the-ground knowledge and expertise.

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South Atlantic LCC Natural Resource Indicator Process

South Atlantic LCC Natural Resource Indicator Process

Rua Mordecia, Science Coordinator with the South Atlantic LCC, provide an overview of the process the South Atlantic LCC took to identify Natural Resource Indicators.

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Assessing Regional Connectivity in Current and Future Landscapes

Assessing Regional Connectivity in Current and Future Landscapes

Connectivity among conservation reserves has long been recognized as necessary for long-term persistence of populations and continued evolution in anthropogenically-dominated landscapes.

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What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change

What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change

Christine Hatch speaks at UMass Amherst as part of the Northeast Climate Science Center Colloquium on November 28th, 2012.

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Salamanders - The Hidden Jewels of Appalachia

Salamanders - The Hidden Jewels of Appalachia

If you want to hit paydirt the Appalachian region is the world’s salamander El Dorado—home to over 70 salamander species. The Appalachian region of the eastern United States is the world's epicenter for salamander biodiversity.

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North American Migratory Bird Joint Ventures: 25 Years

Migratory Bird Joint Ventures are cooperative, regional partnerships that work to conserve habitat for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people.

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Structured Decison Making Webinar Series

Structured Decison Making Webinar Series

US Fish & Wildlife Service - NCTC Climate Change - Structured Decison Making Webinar Series

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Assessing the Impact of Projected Housing Density on High Priority Forest Birds

Assessing the Impact of Projected Housing Density on High Priority Forest Birds

Dr. Todd Jones-Farrand, Science Coordinator, Central Hardwoods Bird Joint Venture

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Development by Design

Nels Johnson, Deputy State Director, and Tamara Gagnolet, Spatial Analyst, The Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvannia.

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Whole-System Landscape Vision

Thomas Minney, Central Appalachians Program Director

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Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

Dr. Olivia LeDee, Postdoctoral Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, Madison, Wi.University of Minnesota, Working with the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC

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John Tirpak PPT Presentation pdf

John Tirpak PPT Presentation pdf

This webinar discusses the background and challenges to Conservation Planning Atlases (CPA), potential solutions, specifics of a CPA, and current progress and next steps.

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Conservation Planning Atlas

Conservation Planning Atlas

Dr. John Tirpak, Gulf Coast Plains and Ozark LCC, Science Coordinator

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Representative Species and Conservation Design

Representative Species and Conservation Design

Andrew Milliken,North Atlantic LCC, LCC Coordinator

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Representative Species and Conservation Design

Representative Species and Conservation Design

Andrew Milliken,North Atlantic LCC, LCC Coordinator

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