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Fact Sheets

Classifi cation and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources

Classifi cation and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources

funded research: AmU, USGS, FL State University

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Planning Team Discussion Materials

Appalachian Conservation Partners Meeting - Dec 2017

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Fact Sheet: Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats

New vulnerability assessments for 41 species and 3 habitats in the Appalachians now available.

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Fact Sheet: Stream Classification

Developing consistent region-wide information to ensure enough water for people and wildlife.

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Fact Sheet: Cave and Karst Resources

Fact Sheet: Cave and Karst Resources

Addressing knowledge gaps to better protect unique landforms and their wealth of hidden biodiversity.

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Fact Sheet: Stream Impacts

Fact Sheet: Stream Impacts

Assessing current and future water withdrawal scenarios to inform decisions for achieving sustainable water ows that meet human demands and sustain healthy ecosystems.

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Wheeler NWR Partners Meeting

The Appalachian LCC, partnered with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service of Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, to provide an opportunity to introduce Alabama partners to the LCC and their recently developed decision-support products.

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SC Meeting, August 24-25, 2016

This meeting marked the LCCs transition from its 1st “development” phase (2012-2016) to a new “delivery” phase. We are soliciting partner input regarding how best to deliver the science to the partners. The Appalachian LCC is currently proposing to work through partner networks in focal areas to get the science integrated into on-the-ground conservation.

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Fact Sheet: Online Resources to Inform Natural Resource Management

Fact Sheet: Online Resources to Inform Natural Resource Management

Research from the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and the U.S. Forest Service is integrating society’s value of ecosystems with future risks, to inform natural resource planning and management across the Appalachians and help decision makers, industry and the public adopt policies that protect and invest in these resources.

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Connect the Connecticut - Fact Sheet

High-level overview of the landscape conservation design project. May 2016.

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Connect the Connecticut Report

Connect the Connecticut Report

Connect the Connecticut Report - report summarizing the process and results of the project. May 2016.

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