Designing Sustainable Landscapes Workshop
The purpose of this project is to assess the capability of current and potential future landscapes in the North Atlantic LCC geographic area to provide integral ecosystems and suitable habitat for wildlife, and provide guidance for strategic habitat conservation decisions.
DOI Invited Nominations for NCCWSC & CSC Federal Advisory Committee
Intent to create a Federal Advisory Committee for the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and DOI Climate Science Centers
Appalachian LCC Launches New Community Web Portal
Our new Content Management System (CMS) will provide up-to-date news and information to members, partners, and the general public about the Appalachian LCC’s work, ongoing projects, new products, and publications.
USDA and Interior Reach Historic Agreement to Support Voluntary Wildlife Conservation Efforts on Working Agricultural Lands
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Dave White and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Director Dan Ashe today announced an agreement that will provide long-term regulatory predictability for up to 30 years to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners participating in NRCS’s Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) Initiative.
Wind energy company requests Endangered Species Act permit for W.Va. project
Beech Ridge Energy has applied to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for an incidental take permit addressing impacts to endangered bats at the company’s wind energy project in Greenbrier and Nicholas counties, West Virginia.
Ecological Forestry Workshop for US Fish & Wildlife Service
This is an extremely valuable workshop for anyone in any Service program working with forest conservation issues, especially involving Threatened and Endangered and migratory bird species.
39th Annual Natural Areas Conference
Join conservation professionals from around the country in Norfolk, Virginia, for the 2012 Natural Areas Conference: Keeping Natural Areas Relevant and Resilient.
Demonstration of the Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Index (HCCVI)
The earth’s rapidly changing climate requires substantial adjustments to existing strategies for conserving natural systems. Managers need a better understanding of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of ecosystems and plant communities in order to formulate new adaptation strategies. The Climate Change Vulnerability Index for Ecosystems and Habitats documents series of indicators of vulnerability to climate change.
Maryland Water Monitoring Council Conference
The Maryland Water Monitoring Council (MWMC) will hold its 18th Annual Conference at the Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Thursday, December 6, 2012. The theme of the one day conference is "What Else is in your Water? From Arsenic to Zinc".
The Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Fall Conference
The Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere (SAMAB) will host a conference on the vitality of the Southern Appalachians. Our goal is to present indicators of performance that can be used consistently across Southern Appalachia to support state and local government decisions that impact the natural, human, built, and economic vitality of the region.
National Joint Venture Communication, Education, and Outreach Meeting
This annual meeting brings together outreach professionals from Joint Ventures throughout the country to discuss and work on national communication products.
Scientists Locate Natural “Strongholds” that Could Protect Nature in the Face of Climate Change
A new study by The Nature Conservancy has identified a series of landscapes across the American Northeast and southeastern Canada that are predicted to withstand the growing impacts of climate change and help ensure nature’s survival.
PA Mussels Used to Help Restore Streams in Ohio, Illinois, and West Virginia
A joint effort between federal and state agencies, including the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), has resulted in the successful collection and relocation of approximately 4,000 state and federal endangered northern riffleshell mussels from a site on the Allegheny River along the border of Forest and Venango counties.
Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
A discussion of the programs the Forest Service utilizes to preserve open space through conservation easements and land acquisitions.
Public Comment on USGS Environmental Health Strategic Science Plan
The draft USGS Environmental Health Strategic Science Plan is open for public comment until September 1, 2012. We would appreciate your thoughts and input.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Science Seminar Series
On Thursday, July 26th a Science Seminar Series presentation titled, "A Function-based Framework for Stream Assessment and Restoration Projects" will be given by Richard R. Starr, Division Chief, Habitat Restoration Division, Chesapeake Bay Field Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Appalachian LCC Funds Four Landscape-level Projects
The Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) is investing in conservation projects across the Appalachian region that will support the sustainable management of resources and develop tools and information for conservation delivery.
US Fish and Wildlife Service - Science Seminar Series - The National Wildlife Refuge System's Inventory and Monitoring Initiative in the Northeast Region - May 10 - National LCC Event
The National Wildlife Refuge System's Inventory and Monitoring Initiative in the Northeast Region - Science Seminar Series
US Fish and Wildlife Service - Science Seminar Series - Radar Analysis of Fall Migration Stopover Sites in Region 5 - April 26 - National LCC Event
Radar Analysis of Fall Migration Stopover Sites in Region 5 - Science Seminar Series
US Fish and Wildlife Service - Science Seminar Series - Simple Drag Force and Energy Calculations for Fish Passage Through a Model A Steeppass - April 12 - National LCC Event
Simple Drag Force and Energy Calculations for Fish Passage Through a Model A Steeppass - Science Seminar Series