TRBN Science and Communications Teams Kick-Off Meetings
Assistant Coordinator Dr. Mary Davis represented the Appalachian LCC at two meetings that followed up on the Tennessee River Biodiversity Network (TRBN) workshop held in August 2015.
NEAFWA Workshop: Applying Information and Tools from LCCs in the Northeast
On April 3, 2016, the Appalachian LCC and the North Atlantic LCC partnered to deliver a hands-on workshop for applying information and tools developed by LCCs in the northeast region.
Mountain Streams Offer Climate Refuge
A new study offers hope for cold-water species in the face of climate change. The study, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, addresses a longstanding paradox between predictions of widespread extinctions of cold-water species and a general lack of evidence for those extinctions despite decades of recent climate change.
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region
To celebrate the National Park Service Centennial through talks and posters that highlight accomplishments in resources management and stewardship.
Landscape Conservation Design: Initial Products and Expert Consultations for the Appalachian Mountains and Western River Basins
Over the last couple years, the Appalachian LCC has supported the development of a science-based, regional-scale design commonly called a “Landscape Conservation Design (LCD)” or “Conservation Blueprint”.
Enhancing Our Reach: Assistant Coordinators to Develop Focal-landscape Communities
Building on identified focal landscape cores from the Clemson team’s landscape conservation design research, the Cooperative is focusing initial implementation efforts by targeting two core areas for engagement and collaboration.
New Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments Available for Species and Habitats
New climate change vulnerability assessments for 41 species and 3 habitats in the Appalachians are now available on the Web Portal.
What Lies Beneath: Classification and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources
“What Lies Beneath?” is not just a great name for a horror movie, but can describe the scientific and biodiversity challenges in protecting the distribution and richness of natural resources within karst landscapes.
A Refined Stream Classification System Generated for the Appalachians
Stream classification information is essential to develop and implement flow standards and water management recommendations that will sustain aquatic biodiversity.
LCC Boosts Relationships in the Ohio River Basin
The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership convened its annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio this month and the Appalachian LCC was there to join the conversation.
Climate Adaptation Fund Announce Latest round of Grantmaking
Read the 2016 Request for Proposals, review the Applicant Guidance Document and submit a completed WCS Pre-proposal Application using our online application form no later than 5:00 PM EDT on Friday, April 8, 2016.
Conservation Connect LIVE
In March we’ll venture underwater to learn about freshwater mussels, American eels, and the electrofishing technology used to study aquatic creatures.
Stitching Together Work of LCCs across the Southeast
The Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) is a shared, long-term vision for the conservation future of the Southeast and Caribbean region of the United States.
Appalachian LCC Coordinator is Panelist at National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment
Appalachian LCC Coordinator and Chief Scientist, Dr. Jean Brennan, participated as an invited speaker at the 16th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment in Washington DC.
Landscape Ecology Meeting
The US International Association of Landscape Ecology 2016 Annual Meeting will focus on “Landscape Change" and strives to capture the defining characteristic and the inherent nature of the modern world in the Anthropocene epoch.
WCS Climate Adaptation Fund Webinar
The Wildlife Conservation Society is pleased to announce the next round of grantmaking through the Climate Adaptation Fund. Interested organizations should carefully review the guidelines outlined in the Request for Proposals and the Applicant Guidance Document.
Service and partners announce science-based tool to help prioritize and target fish habitat conservation
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) today announce the availability of an online tool that enables users to target and prioritize fish habitat conservation in the face of climate and land use change.
Power Companies, Tribe, Agencies Take Steps to Save Rare Fish
Power companies, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and state and federal agencies have come together to conserve the sicklefin redhorse, a fish found in only six Appalachian counties worldwide and being considered for the federal endangered species list.
Happy Birthday, National Wildlife Refuge System!
Hooray for America’s nature. One big reason it’s there to treasure: the National Wildlife Refuge System, the world’s premier network of public lands devoted to wildlife conservation. The Refuge System turns 113 on March 14.
Announcing Deadlines for Southeast Grants
The Open Space Institute is now inviting proposals for two complementary land conservation grant funds in the Southeast: Southern Cumberland Land Protection Fund and Southeast Resilient Landscapes Fund.