2017 Strategic Habitat Meeting
Join the Alabama Rivers and Streams Network (ARSN) in a review of a decade of strategic habitat unit (SHU) research, recovery, and planning efforts.
Northeast Climate Science Center Regional Science Meeting 2017
For our Regional Science Meeting, we will gather our scientists and partners to reflect on our collaborative work to incorporate climate science in the management of natural and cultural resources in the Northeast and Midwest and determine future directions and needs for our region.
You're Invited to Help Protect Mallows Bay!
Next week NOAA will hold public meetings as part of the process to designate Mallows Bay-Potomac River as the country's newest National Marine Sanctuary and the first-ever in the Chesapeake.
ACJV Flagship Species Initiative
With help from our Technical Committee and our vast network of partners, the ACJV Management Board considered several suites of priority birds and habitats at the May 2016 Board Retreat.
Tennessee River Basin Network Quarterly Webinar
The goal of this periodic webinar with the Network is to provide updates on the established Network framework and action items that have moved forward, showcase a partnership driven effort to conserve the TRB’s aquatic biodiversity, and share information regarding the 2017 Annual Meeting.
SECAS Leadership Team Meeting
The purpose of this meeting of the SECAS Leadership Team is to guide and support the continuing accomplishment of the SECAS initiative.
Story Map Illustrates Accomplishments of Migratory Bird JVs
Joint Ventures work together to build a healthy world for birds, other wildlife, and people.
Fire History of the Appalachian Region: A Review and Synthesis
This review and synthesis explores fire history from Alabama to New England, and provides a context for describing resilient forests of the future.
Appalachian Wildlife Center - Partnering for Wildlife and People in an Economically-Depressed Region
A collaborative new partnership between the Appalachian Wildlife Foundation, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, and others is working to establish wildlife-related tourism in the southern Appalachian region of Kentucky and the surrounding states by building a state-of-the-art wildlife education facility designed to share with visitors the incredible natural resources of the region.
NFWF Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund 2017 Funding Opportunity
The NFWF Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund is now accepting applications for competitive funding.
A Conservation Action Map for the TRB Network
During the Tennessee River Basin Network’s 2016 annual meeting, members participated in exercises that helped produce a Conservation Action Map, showcasing the who, what, and where of conservation activities and projects in the Basin.
Biennial Spotlight on National Park Resources
A new area on our Web Portal is dedicated to a collection of talks and posters that celebrate the National Park Service Centennial and highlight the many accomplishments in natural and cultural resource management and stewardship.
LCC Science Helping to Target Restoration Sites to Improve Water Quality in the Susquehanna and Potomac Watersheds
The Natural Resources Conservation Service, the EPA, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are investing $28 million in restoration activities – from wetlands to riparian buffers to floodplain reconnection - in the Susquehanna and Potomac watershed to improve water quality.
Learning from Each Other Within the LCC Family
Appalachian LCC Coordinator and Chief Scientist Dr. Jean Brennan recently served on a temporary, 60-day detail for the Arctic LCC helping to identify strategic programmatic and research direction and sharing current efforts to promote the LCCs science delivery in Alaska.
Putting LCC Products into Hands of Practitioners in the Southeast
Appalachian LCC Staff are working with partners in the Southeast to develop interactive workshops focused on delivering our funded science products and tools into the hands of practitioners working in applied conservation at the local and regional scale.
New Student Conservation Associate Provides Educational Outreach Capacity to LCC and Refuge
A recent graduate of George Mason University, Kelly René is working with both the Appalachian LCC and the Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge as a educational outreach specialist.
Appalachian LCC GIS Analyst and Information Manager Heads Out West
Jessica Rhodes, who helped to support our partnership’s extensive data management needs over the last couple years is moving on to a new position with the Bureau of Land Management in Wyoming.
Blue Ridge PRISM Update
An update on the Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management and information on a series of sessions around our 10-county area, which partners are welcome to attend.
Bringing Back Diversity in Eastern Forests for Landowners, Wildlife
What do biologists look for in a healthy forest? A diversity in the ages and composition of trees and occasional breaks in canopy to allow sunlight to reach understory plants.
Final EPA/USGS Technical Report: Protecting Aquatic Life from Effects of Hydrologic Alteration
A new report provides scientific and technical information related to protection of aquatic life from effects of hydrologic alteration.