'Climate Hubs' Will Provide Regional Networks on Climate Science, Forecasting Impacts as Part of President's Climate Action Plan
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today the creation of the first ever Regional Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change at seven locations around the country. "Climate Hubs" will address increasing risks such as fires, invasive pests, devastating floods, and crippling droughts on a regional basis, aiming to translate science and research into information to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners on ways to adapt and adjust their resource management.
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100 Case Studies Published Today Show How Communities Are Preparing Our Roads, Airports, and Transit Systems for Climate Change
One hundred case studies released today by the Georgetown Climate Center demonstrate how leaders are responding to the growing threats from climate change to America's roads, airports, transit systems, and infrastructure.
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“One Stick at a Time” in pursuit of climate adaptations for a more sustainable future
This film follows land managers in the Methow Valley, Washington for over a year, from forests to rivers, from fires to snowfall, from beaver capture to release as they try to come to grips with the impacts of climate change and the possible adaptation options right in front of them. It is a conversation starter for answering the question "What can I do?" With support from the best climate experts in the Northwest, it is a chance for each of us to think about what our landscapes will be like ten decades from now. It is a nudge to start today to make our surroundings better than they would be if we did nothing. The film was conceived as part of the 10 Decades Project, the goal of which is to inspire thousands of us to take measurable, concrete steps for climate adaptation in every area for which we are responsible.
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Videos and Webinars
A National Experiment in Manager-Scientist Partnerships to Apply an Adaptation Framework
Forest managers across the U.S. are faced with implementing adaptation strategies in the face of severe droughts, wildfires, and other climate-related impacts.
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Acquiring Information on the Climate Vulnerability of Appalachian Species and Habitats
A new report out of the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment research project addresses how the Cooperative should acquire information about the climate vulnerability of Appalachian species and habitats and share with its partners.
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Agenda - March 11, 2015 Workshop
Urban Woodlands Conservation and Management Workshop. Organized and facilitated by the National Park Service to identify and create opportunities for greater collaboration among urban woodland researchers and managers working to restore and manage urban woodland ecosystems.
To view the goals and objectives of the workshop, please open the workshop agenda.
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Cultural Resources
Urban Conservation
Urban Woodlands Conservation and Restoration
AppLCC Riparian Restoration Tool for Climate Change Resiliency Webinar
Part of the Safeguarding Wildlife from Climate Change web series hosted by USFWS and National Wildlife Federation, this presentation will highlight an innovative riparian planting and restoration decision support tool, funded by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative that is now available to the conservation community.
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BIG DATA as an engine for aquatic information creation
The smartest thing, the only thing really, we can do to conserve & preserve fisheries and aquatic biodiversity as the climate warms this century is to invest our limited resources wisely.
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Building Climate Solutions: 14th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment
Join over 1,200 key individuals from many fields of sciences and engineering, government and policy, business and civil society to advance solutions to climate change.
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Building community resilience by strengthening America’s natural resources and supporting green infrastructure
President Obama has made it clear that we have a moral obligation to our children and future generations to leave behind a planet that is not polluted and damaged. That is why, as part of his effort to combat climate change, the President launched a Climate Action Plan last year to cut carbon pollution, prepare communities for the impacts of climate change, and lead international efforts to address this global challenge.
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