100 Case Studies Published Today Show How Communities Are Preparing Our Roads, Airports, and Transit Systems for Climate Change
The case studies highlight some of the most innovative approaches being adopted around the country for considering climate change at all stages of decision-making: planning, design, construction, and operations and maintenance. These examples can help transportation officials develop best practices for preparing transportation infrastructure for climate change and help ensure the long-term sustainability of our transportation system.
"Putting more time and forethought into our transportation planning to prepare for climate change would save taxpayer dollars by avoiding the need to repeatedly rebuild the same infrastructure after extreme weather events," said Vicki Arroyo, executive director of the Georgetown Climate Center.
The case studies were developed by the Georgetown Climate Center as part of a cooperative agreement with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The case studies will be hosted in the Adaptation Clearinghouse and many of the case studies will be highlighted as part of FHWA's new Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Case Study Series. They will also be integrated into FHWA's Virtual Framework for Vulnerability Assessment, which aims to support transportation managers in conducting vulnerability assessments of transportation assets.