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Fact Sheets

Maryland 646: Shallow Water Development and Management

Maryland 646: Shallow Water Development and Management

This practice is supplemented in the creation of a shallow water area for waterfowl.

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Delaware 646: Shallow Water Development and Mangement

Delaware 646: Shallow Water Development and Mangement

This practice is supplemented in the creation of a shallow water impoundment for waterfowl.

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Delaware 645: Upland Wildlife Habitat Management

Delaware 645: Upland Wildlife Habitat Management

This practice consists of the management of food, cover, and shelter for wildlife which can be utilized for waterfowl nesting habitat.

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Delaware 327: Conservation Cover

Delaware 327: Conservation Cover

This standard is utilized for establishing vegetative cover to enhance wildlife habitat.

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Delaware 315: Herbaceous Weed Treatment

Delaware 315: Herbaceous Weed Treatment

This standard allows for the removal or control of herbaceous weeds including invasive, noxious, and prohibited plants. This practice is applicable for areas that have excessive Phragmites australis growth allowing for removal and management of these areas to let native plants to reestablish.

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Delaware 314: Brush Management

Delaware 314: Brush Management

This standard allows for the removal and management of woody plants including invasive and noxious plants. Using this standard will allow landowners with existing degraded wetlands or waterfowl impoundments to clean up the area and return it to early successional vegetation.

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Delaware 378: Pond

Delaware 378: Pond

This standard allows for an area to impound water through excavation or an earthen embankment. For waterfowl, a pond standard consisting of shallow excavation and a berm of less than 3 FT is suggested.

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Golden-winged Warbler Status Review and Conservation Plan

Golden-winged Warbler Status Review and Conservation Plan

The Golden-winged Warbler Status Review was initiated over a decade ago when David Buehler, John Confer, and Ron Canterbury were funded by the US Fish & Wildlife Service to elaborate on what was originally a status assessment begun by Chuck Hunter in 1999. Over time, that original project received input from others and underwent numerous stalls, revisions, and reviews. The continuous stream of new information that so rapidly outpaced the writing of the document is actually a tribute to the tremendous dedication and energy of the Golden-winged Warbler Working Group and its partners. In this version of the Status Review, survey and trend estimates have been updated to include 2009 BBS trend information. Genetic data were updated to include birds sampled during the 2010 breeding season. We are pleased finally to release the Status Review, at the same time acknowledging that new research and conservation action will just as quickly outdate much of the information it summarizes. We prefer to think of this document as a Status Transition to a more hopeful future.

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American Black Duck Fact Sheet for Eastern Shore Virginia Residents

American Black Duck Fact Sheet for Eastern Shore Virginia Residents

The current fact sheet and applicable practices for the Working Lands for Wildlife Black Duck Program in Virginia.

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American Black Duck Fact Sheet for Delaware Residents

American Black Duck Fact Sheet for Delaware Residents

The current fact sheet and applicable practices for the American Black Duck NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife Program in Delaware.

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Riparian Forest Buffer - CPS 391

Riparian Forest Buffer - CPS 391

An area predominantly trees and/or shrubs located adjacent to and up-gradient from watercourses or water bodies.

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2018-Spring Steering Committee Meeting Notes

March 6, 2018 10:00 am – March 7, 2018

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Fact Sheet: Tennessee River Basin Network

Fact Sheet: Tennessee River Basin Network

The Tennessee River winds its way for roughly 650 miles through Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and back into Tennessee, before reaching Kentucky where it empties into the Ohio River. In total the Basin encompasses over 40,000 square miles, covering five major physiographic provinces: the Blue Ridge, the Valley and Ridge, the Appalachian Plateau, the Interior Low Plateaus, and the Coastal Plain. The extent of the Basin’s reach vast diversity of geography and geology in the region help to explain why the area harbors one of the most biologically diverse freshwater ecosystems in the world.

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Fact Sheet: Habitat - Forest/Woodlands

Fact Sheet: Habitat - Forest/Woodlands

Forest/Woodland habitats describe large areas primarily dominated by trees, with moderate ground coverage, such as grasses and shrubs. Density, tree height, and land use may all vary, though woodland is typically used to describe lower density forests. A forest may have an open canopy, but a woodland must have an open canopy with enough sunlight to reach the ground and limited shade.

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Fact Sheet: Habitat - Forested Stream and/or Seepage

Fact Sheet: Habitat - Forested Stream and/or Seepage

Forested stream environments are typically found in the buffer zones between forested land and stream banks, often known as riparian zones. Stream headwaters and seepage areas occur where ground water percolates to the surface through muck, mossy rock, and nettles. It can also be found under rocks, among gravel, or cobble where water has begun to percolate in areas near open water. Breeding grounds are commonly found beneath mosses growing on rocks, on logs, or soil surfaces in these types of seepage areas.

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Fact Sheet: Habitat - Meadows and Marshlands

Fact Sheet: Habitat - Meadows and Marshlands

Meadows are open grasslands where grass and other non-woody plants are the primary vegetation. With no tree coverage, meadows are typically open, sunny areas that attract flora and fauna that require both ample space and sunlight. These conditions allow for the growth of many wildflowers and are typically important ecosystems for pollinating insects. Marshlands are like meadows in that they typically have no tree coverage and host primarily grasses and woody plants. However, a defining characteristic of marshlands is their wetland features.

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Fact Sheet: Habitat - Open Woodlands

Fact Sheet: Habitat - Open Woodlands

Used generally to describe low density forests, open woodland ecosystems contain widely spaced trees whose crowns do not touch, causing for an open canopy, insignificant midstory canopy layer, sparse understory and where groundcover is the most obvious feature of the landscape dominated by diverse flora (grasses, forbes, sedges). Open Woodlands provide habitat for a diverse mix of wildlife species, several of which are of conservation concern, such as Red Headed Woodpecker, Prairie Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Northern Bobwhite and Eastern Red Bat.

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Fact Sheet: Landscape Dynamics Assessment Tool (LanDAT)

Fact Sheet: Landscape Dynamics Assessment Tool (LanDAT)

LanDAT delivers monitoring information in a way that helps users interpret landscape-change and resilience

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Fact Sheet: NatureScape FAQ

Fact Sheet: NatureScape FAQ

Frequently asked questions about NatureScape

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Fact Sheet: NatureScape

Fact Sheet: NatureScape

Landscape Conservation Design and On-Line Conservation Planning Tool

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