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Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

General info on bog turtle published in Fact Sheet format

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Woman with Drip Torch

Woman with Drip Torch

Woman with Drip Torch (from Fact Sheet)

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WLFW Science to Solutions: Economics of NWSG Forage

WLFW Science to Solutions: Economics of NWSG Forage

This fact sheet is part of a WLFW series called Science to Solutions which seeks to share technical information in a format that's user-friendly. Prepared by University of Tennessee professors Dr. Pat Keyser of the Native Grasslands Management Center and Dr. Chris Boyer, an economist.

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Mile-a-minute (Persicaria perfoliata)

Mile-a-minute (Persicaria perfoliata)

Mile-a-minute (Persicaria perfoliata) is a trailing vine with barbed stems and triangular leaves. In contrast to other invasive vines, mile-a-minute is an herbaceous annual, meaning it dies each fall and new plants grow from germinating seeds in the spring. Each vine can grow 20 to 30 feet long, forming a dense, tangled blanket of intertwined vines. In the peak growing season, mile-a-minute can put on up to 6 inches of growth a day. Its leaves are distinctly triangular or arrowhead-shaped, 1 to 3 inches wide, vibrant green, and bear many hooked barbs along the underside of the central vein and leaf stem. The dense foliage of this invasive weed blankets and slowly suffocates native vegetation, making it extremely destructive and persistent despite being an annual plant.

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Soil Carbon Sequestration Fact Sheet

Soil Carbon Sequestration Fact Sheet

This fact sheet developed by American University gives a quick overview of soil carbon sequestration

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SE FireMap Fact Sheet - 1.0 Technical Version

SE FireMap Fact Sheet - 1.0 Technical Version

This document highlights the overall SE FireMap initiative – offering a technical summary of the project’s background, development process, timeline, and objectives.

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North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative

This project is developing a partner-driven, science-based approach for identifying and prioritizing culvert road stream crossings in the area impacted by Hurricane Sandy for increasing resilience to future floods while improving aquatic connectivity for fish passage. The resulting information and tools will be used to inform and improve decision making by towns, states and other key decision makers.

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Maryland Shallow Water Area Fact Sheet

Maryland Shallow Water Area Fact Sheet

The state of Maryland NRCS fact sheet for shallow water areas, a common practice used in creating or restoring habitat for waterfowl use.

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Delaware 644: Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management

Delaware 644: Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management

This practice is supplemented with other wetland standards to provide financial assistance in the management of a wetland for wildlife habitat.

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Maryland 657: Wetland Restoration

Maryland 657: Wetland Restoration

This standard consists of returning a wetland and its functions to a close representation of its original condition prior to being disturbed. It applies for areas with hydric soils that have been converted to non-wetland by filling, draining, or other hydrology changes.

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Maryland 314: Brush Management

Maryland 314: Brush Management

This standard allows for the removal and management of woody plants including invasive and noxious plants. Using this standard will allow landowners with existing degraded wetlands or waterfowl shallow water areas to clean up the area and return it to early successional vegetation.

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Maryland 315: Herbaceous Weed Treatment

Maryland 315: Herbaceous Weed Treatment

This standard allows for the removal or control of herbaceous weeds including invasive, noxious, and prohibited plants. This practice is applicable for areas that have excessive Phragmites australis growth allowing for removal and management of these areas to let native plants to reestablish.

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Maryland 327: Conservation Cover

Maryland 327: Conservation Cover

This standard is utilized for establishing vegetative cover to enhance wildlife habitat.

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Maryland 658: Wetland Creation

Maryland 658: Wetland Creation

This practice is utilized when building a wetland in an area that was not historically a wetland. If a site has non-hydric soils, this practice is used in the creation of wetland features including shallow water wetlands for waterfowl.

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