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Landscape Partnership Learning Network
Self-paced virtual tutorials and classes available for practitioners and producers/landowners. The Learning Network is designed to help conservation partners, managers, and landowners learn how to use and adapt resources and tools and plan on-the-ground conservation. Once courses are completed, users can work with Landscape Partnership staff directly to discuss how to incorporate these products in their own efforts.
Landscape Partnership Learning Network
Self-paced virtual tutorials and classes available for practitioners and producers/landowners. The Learning Network is designed to help conservation partners, managers, and landowners learn how to use and adapt resources and tools and plan on-the-ground conservation. Once courses are completed, users can work with Landscape Partnership staff directly to discuss how to incorporate these products in their own efforts.
Landscape Partnership Learning Network
Self-paced virtual tutorials and classes available for practitioners and producers/landowners. The Learning Network is designed to help conservation partners, managers, and landowners learn how to use and adapt resources and tools and plan on-the-ground conservation. Once courses are completed, users can work with Landscape Partnership staff directly to discuss how to incorporate these products in their own efforts.
Landscape Partnership Learning Network
Self-paced virtual tutorials and classes available for practitioners and producers/landowners. The Learning Network is designed to help conservation partners, managers, and landowners learn how to use and adapt resources and tools and plan on-the-ground conservation. Once courses are completed, users can work with Landscape Partnership staff directly to discuss how to incorporate these products in their own efforts.
Deak, Rashelle
Miles, Paul
Floyd, Jeff
Scott, Andy
Judkins, Tell
Malinowsky, Holly
NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials
Maps and Spatial Data
Maps and spatial data relevant to work on Northern Bobwhite Quail, Grasslands, and Savannas
Peruse resources on Northern Bobwhite Quail, Grasslands, and Savannas to help you with your Working Lands for Wildlife project!
Training Resources
Need more information? This site compiles helpful resources for you or producers to refer to. You will find training tools associated with commonly installed WLFW practices.
Training Resources
This site compiles training resources for WLFW practitioners, partners, and producers/landowners. You will find training tools, webinars, and other learning resources on the Northern Bobwhite Quail, Grasslands, and Savannas.
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Helpful Tips for Implementation
Rosa, Lindsay
Conservation scientist that focuses on threatened and endangered species and the habitats they rely on. I have expertise in spatial ecology and GIS.
Ezzell, Melvin