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Canada, Mikayla
Narrative: Gopher Tortoise PAC Methods
Narrative describing the range-wide approach for PAC development for the gopher tortoise (GT), as determined by the attending group of experts [NRCS, USFWS and State wildlife agencies] at a meeting held at the Jones Ecological Restoration Center in Georgia in March of 2016.
Map: Gopher Tortoise Range-Wide PACs
Gopher Tortoise Range-Wide Priority Areas of Conservation (PACs): July 2016
Stine, Bonnie
Kindel, Dolly
Hopley, Cornell
May, Richard
Stoddard, Matthew
Guntrum, Marcie
Emmett, Kristen
Lee, Danny
Brown, Cread
Villwock, Jason
Neal, Michael
Trenholm, Adam
Mesoamerican Development Institute
Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI) is a nongovernmental organization with offices in Honduras and UMass Lowell. MDI specializes in technology transfer and market development; we introduce renewable energy innovations for agro-productive industry to reduce costs and restore environments in rural Mesoamerica.
MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
Massachusetts' Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program is responsible for the conservation and protection of hundreds of species that are not hunted, fished, trapped, or commercially harvested in the state, as well as the protection of the natural communities that make up their habitats.
News from the South Atlantic Blueprint May 2021 Newsletter
Register for a Blueprint workshop, new beta Southeast Blueprint viewer, the role of user support, and more
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter May 7 2021
New blog post on urban forests, Arbor Day updates, and more!