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Rescuing Barrens Topminnows During A Drought
Dr. Bernie Kuhajda in the field discussing the plight of the endangered Barrens Topminnow as an important population threatened by drought conditions. Video by the Tennessee Aquarium.
Your Drop Matters
Just forty-five years ago, rivers in the U.S. were so polluted that some actually burned. In response, our country created the Clean Water Act amid other strong environmental legislation. Today, two-thirds of our population has never known a time when clean water wasn’t readily available. Despite improvements in the quality of drinking water, freshwater animals and habitats in the southeastern U.S. remain among the most imperiled on Earth. We have become complacent with institutional protections and haven’t challenged our personal behaviors. How can we solve the freshwater crisis starting in our own backyard? Video by TEDxChattanooga.
N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission’s Whirling Disease Response Plan
On July 27, 2015, whirling disease was confirmed in rainbow trout collected from Watauga River in Watauga County– the first occurrence of the disease in North Carolina. Whirling disease affects fish in the trout and salmon family with rainbow and brook trout, two species found in North Carolina waters, being the most susceptible. The disease, caused by the microscopic parasite Myxobolus cerebralis, damages cartilage and skeletal tissue in trout, causing them to swim in a whirling motion.
Threats Images
TRB Video Collection: Threats
TRB Video Collection
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter March 4, 2022
NASF launches Carbon Network webpage...
Alderson, Corey
Faxon, Abigail
Energy Videos and Webinars
Landscape-scale Conservation Planning
Dr. Rob Baldwin, Professor, Clemson University
Landscape-scale Conservation Planning
A basic overview of the principles and methods for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative, including a discussion on the major goals of landscape conservation.
Landscape-scale Conservation Planning
Dr. Rob Baldwin, Professor, Clemson University
Landscape-scale Conservation Planning
A basic overview of the principles and methods for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative, including a discussion on the major goals of landscape conservation.
The Conservation Resource Webinar
Dr. Kenneth Elowe, Assistant Regional Director US Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Regional Office, Assistant Regional Director, Science Applications.
Representative Species and Conservation Design
Andrew Milliken,North Atlantic LCC, LCC Coordinator
Representative Species and Conservation Design
A presentation on the need for representative species to help develop maps, tools and landscape designs focused on providing habitat for multiple species, to help understand the current and future capability of landscapes to support fish and wildlife populations, and to help guide strategic decisions about how much of what habitat conservation actions are needed where to sustain populations.
Conservation Planning Atlas
Dr. John Tirpak, Gulf Coast Plains and Ozark LCC, Science Coordinator
Using SDM to Ensure Landscape Scale Sustainability for Natural and Cultural Resources
Dr. Rua Mortecai, South Atlantic LCC, Science Coordinator
Using SDM to Ensure Landscape Scale Sustainability for Natural and Cultural Resources
Provides an overview of the South Atlantic LCC and the structured decision making process.
Theme: Work of the Appalachian LCC