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U.S. Army Engineer R&D Center
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center helps solve our nation’s most challenging problems in civil and military engineering, geospatial sciences, water resources, and environmental sciences for the Army, Department of Defense, civilian agencies, and our Nation’s public good. Our vision is to become the world’s premier public engineering and environmental sciences research and development organization.
The Clinch Coalition
We are a community based environmental organization that believes in the importance of appreciating, understanding, and protecting our environment. We feel that doing so is essential to improving our quality of life and well-being. The Clinch Coalition maintains a Joint Plan of Work with Virginia Organizing.
Perceptual Edge
Perceptual Edge, a data visualization consultancy, was founded by Stephen Few in 2003. This website now serves primarily as an archive of Stephen's extensive written work in the field of data visualization. Although Stephen no longer teaches public workshops in data visualization or writes the Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter, he continues on occasion to write blog articles about data visualization.
Ontl, Todd
Wood, Gary
Catalog: How to use the Landscape Partnership
The Catalog below aims to help users understand the Landscape Partnership and how to use and collaborate on the portal. The Landscape Partnership is a space where you can share technical conservation resources, learn about and use decision-support tools, and connect with other experts, organizations, and projects. Features on the Landscape Partnership, described in the Catalog, allow users to develop and disseminate science to advance conservation efforts.
LANDSCAPE PARTNERSHIP PORTAL: A Guide to Workspace Collaboration and Communication Tools
This guide is designed to provide suggested tools to help Partners: develop and deliver science to inform conservation actions at scales that make a lasting difference for people and wildlife; enhance our quality of life, help communities become resilient to environmental change and natural disasters, and sustain the natural and cultural resources we care about; bring together different organizations, expertise, science and sectors to tackle long-term conservation challenges.
Jones, Amanda
Carlberg, Rachael
pressley, jason
fitzgerald, jane
Pope, Craig
Landscape Partnership Members
Few, Stephen
Fischer, Richard
Vermillion, William
Elmore, Leslie
Rain, Fernando
Burns, Elizabeth
Wilkins, Ryan