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Carl, Noah
News from SECAS February 2023 Newsletter
Recap of Caribbean CoP meeting, new Blueprint Explorer features, spring web forum schedule, and more.
George Benz Aquatic Ecology Fellowship at Tennessee Aquarium
The Tennessee Aquarium is now taking applications for the George Benz Aquatic Ecology Fellowship.
Tennessee Aquarium
We celebrate the rich biodiversity of the Southeast through our exhibits and are actively engaged in preserving and restoring that biodiversity through our work in the field. The Aquarium’s research arm, the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute, has a focused expertise in restoring freshwater ecosystems and helping people appreciate the need for environmental health in our region.
Funding Announcement: 2023 Shade Your Stream Grant Program
Streambank Restoration Funding | AL, GA, KY, MS, NC, TN & VA.
2023 Shade Your Stream Grant Program Request for Proposals
Non-point source pollution poses many threats to aquatic and human life across the Tennessee River Basin. In 2020, Tennessee River Basin Network partners voiced their concern about this growing threat and the need to collectively increase capacity to address it. In response, the Tennessee River Basin Network launched a Shade Your Stream grant program in 2021. This program supports individuals and organizations that empower people and their communities to effectively safeguard their watershed’s aquatic and human life through outreach and a hands- on, cost-effective, user-friendly riparian restoration technique.
Grovenstein, Isabelle
Huang, Edward
Seeing past the green: Structure, composition, and biomass differences in high graded and silviculture-managed forests of similar stand density
Forests of the eastern United States (US) mostly comprise a mix of stands managed following silvicultural principles and stands managed with exploitative timber harvesting practices. These stands can have similar stand densities (e.g., basal area per hectare) but vary vastly in structure, composition, and biomass and carbon storage. High grading, a prevalent exploitative timber harvesting practice in the eastern US, is of particular concern because it can negatively affect future forest health and productivity. This study quantifies differences in forest structure, composition, and biomass and carbon storage between high graded stands and stands that received a seed/establishment cut of a uniform shelterwood regeneration sequence treatment, which is a comparable and well-established silvicultural method used to regenerate mixed-oak forests. It focuses on mixed-oak forests (mixed-Quercus), where the effects of high grading have been understudied, and uses a sample with broader spatial coverage than previous studies. The sample comprised nine stands that were known to have been high graded 8–15 years ago and nine stands that received the seed/establishment cut of a uniform shelterwood regeneration sequence. Stand were systematically sampled using fixed-area plots. Field measurements were collected and used to calculate metrics describing forest structure and function. The structure of high graded stands was characterized by a higher proportion of trees with poor health and/or form compared to shelterwood stands, with 18.3 % less acceptable growing stock and trees with lower crown compaction. Diameter distributions of high graded stands were characterized by numerous small trees and few large-diameter trees. Spatial variability of overstory trees was contingent on the tree size range evaluated, with a larger variability of sawtimber-sized trees (trees ≥ 29.2 cm in diameter at breast height) in high graded stands. High graded stands also had 2.2 times fewer oak trees (Quercus spp.) in the overstory canopy, 17,897 fewer seedlings per hectare (ha), and 45 Mg/ha less biomass than shelterwood stands. These results indicate that high grading generally degrades mixed-oak forests and impairs their long-term capacity to supply vital ecosystem services such as habitat for specific wildlife species, carbon storage, and high-quality wood products.
Hughes, Bobby
McCurdy, Catherine
Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources is a part of a larger group, the Cooperative Extension Service (CES), one of the nation’s largest and best-researched providers of science-based information and education. The Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources is a great resource and reaches out not only to the state of Indiana but worldwide. We provide resources for aquaculture, fish management, urban and forestry management, natural resource planning, wildlife, and sustainable biomaterials. We encourage you to browse, download free publications, view workshops on the Purdue Extension-FNR Calendar, ask an expert, view Purdue Extension Annual Report and visit other sites that have been added as helpful links.
Saint Louis Zoo
The Saint Louis Zoo is dedicated to saving species and bringing people and wildlife together. Home to over 16,000 animals, many of which are endangered, entry is free every day for everyone, an important part of our commitment to people and animals – always.
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