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Horizon Environmental Inc.
Horizon is an industry-leading turnkey environmental services company with full-service capabilities, a track record for excellence and the determination to get the job done in the face of any challenge. Our history includes successful work during some of the most pressing environmental emergencies in the history of North America, including the Deepwater Horizon incident.
Holley Brothers Farm
HN Biology Investigation
En HN Biology Investigation tenemos la convicción de que la ciencia debe ser accesible para todos. Por lo cual tenemos como meta generar conocimiento por medio del uso de herramientas necesarias para nuestra formación como científicos profesionales. Para lograr lo anterior se imparten cursos y talleres tanto virtuales como presenciales, en campo y laboratorio a costos accesible al publico en general, incluso brindando becas para las personas o instituciones interesadas.
Georgia Institute of Technology
The Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the nation's top public research universities with more than 45,000 students who study in person at the main campus in Atlanta, at Georgia Tech-Europe in France, at Georgia Tech-Shenzhen in China, as well as through distance and online learning.
Freed-Hardeman University
The mission of Freed-Hardeman University is to help students develop their God-given talents for His glory by empowering them with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship and service.
Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation
The general purpose of the organization [EPCAMR] is to encourage the reclamation and redevelopment of land affected by past mining practices. This includes reducing hazards to health and safety, eliminating soil erosion, improving water quality, [and] returning land affected by past mining practices to productive use, thereby improving the economy of the region.
Consorzio di Gestione Area Marina Protetta Porto Cesareo
Thanks to its "natural port" facing Isola Grande, also called Isola dei Conigli, Porto Cesareo is one of the most beautiful places of the coast of Salento. It lies only 500 m far from the coast and is covered by a thick Aleppo pine and acacia wood planted by the foresters about 40 years ago. The seabed is characterized by a sub-tropical environment with very particular animal associations typical of the warm seas.
California Institute of Environmental design & Management (CIEDM)
A private education, research, consultancy and advocacy center, to promote sustainable resilient design and development.
Cook, Gregory
Huddleston, Justin
Arba Minch University
Arba Minch University is based in South-West Ethiopia. The University was initially founded as the Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (AWTI) and it was officially inaugurated as a full -fledged university in June 2004. Arba Minch University is currently working as one of National Research Universities and has more than 36,000 registered students in regular, evening, weekend and distance programs in first, second and third degree.
Appalachian American Indians of West Virginia (AAIWV )
Appalachian American Indians of West Virginia, Inc. (AAIWV) is an intertribal tribe of Native Americans and their mixed blood lineal descendants.
American Geosciences Institute
The American Geosciences Institute represents and serves the geoscience community by providing collaborative leadership and information to connect Earth, science, and people.
Agnes Scott College
Thrive in a diverse community of open, available and intelligent individuals ready to teach, mentor and support you on your undergraduate, graduate or post-baccalaureate journey to engage the intellectual and social challenges of our times.
Brown, Marcus
O'Brien , Joseph
Conservation Practices
Job Sheets
Eastern Hellbender NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials