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Connecticut River Watershed Pilot Core Team
On September 26th, 2014, the Core Team gathered in Hadley, Mass., to review progress and discuss next steps in realizing a conservation design vision for the watershed and region.
Document: Remaining Questions and Goals/Objectives
Handout for the November Core Team Meeting
Presentation: Core Team Meeting, November 2014
Presentation by Kevin McGarigal (UMass) with updates on the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project for the Core Team Meeting
Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Meeting, 10-31-2014
Agenda, Handouts and Presentation for October 31st Core Team Meeting in Hadley, Massachusetts from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Document: Summary/Notes from Core Team Meeting
Annotations of slides and notes from discussion during the October 2014 Core Team Meeting
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 11-21-2014
Agenda, materials, and notes for the November Core Team Meeting
Document: CT River Watershed Species Weighting Matrix, Revised 09-16-2014
Updated species weighting matrix
Science Delivered
The Southern Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative is a partnership with the goal of restoring historic red spruce hardwood ecosystems across the Southern Appalachians.
How to Find Priority Score using GeoNode Conservation Design GIS Portal
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture has developed priority scores for project selection to assist in identifying areas that are best for restoration, best for enhancement, and best for protection for the states in the EBTJV region.
AppLCC Energy Forecast Tool Help
This document details the steps to use the Energy Forecast tool.
Decision Support Tools Help
How to use the Riparian Restoration to Promote Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) Tool
The following tutorial will descibe the steps to depict the riparian areas that would benefit most from riparian restoration. The RPCCR tool enables users to dynamically locate areas (within the selected riparian zone region) that would benefit from increased shading produced by planting of trees. The tool operates on a 200 meter stream buffer (100 on each side), and requires the user to specify values for maximum percent canopy cover and minimum solar gain percentile. The user can additionally choose to include minimum elevation (meters) and maximum percent impervious surface values in the analysis.
AMJV Partnership Successes for Song Birds and Game Species
The benefits from managing habitat for game species and managing habitat for songbirds are not mutually exclusive. Creating and enhancing a variety of habitats supports a diversity of wildlife and activities, from birdwatching to hunting.
Riparian Restoration
Provision of shade via riparian restoration is a well-established management adaptation strategy to mitigate against temperature increases in streams. Effective use of this strategy depends upon accurately identifying vulnerable, unforested riparian areas in priority coldwater stream habitats. The RPCCR is a web-based tool currently under development which is designed to allow managers to rapidly identify these high-priority riparian restoration targets. The objective of this project is to complete development of the RPCCR, link it with the Appalachian LCC website, and integrate it with ongoing stream temperature monitoring and modeling efforts within the Northeast Climate Science Center (NECSC) and participating Landscape Conservation Cooperatives.
RPCCR help selection criteria
This displays the selection criteria
RPCCR help layer name
This shows the name of the layer
RPCCR help layer red box
This displays a red box around the layer tool
RPCCR help working box
this displays the image of "working" requests
RPCCR help image 4
Shows final image with yellow and black