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Frequently Asked Questions

The Landscape Partnership portal helps landscape practitioners and stewards find each other and the resources they need to support working lands and conservation efforts across the nation. It is an interactive online space that allows stakeholders to share and disseminate open resources and collaborate with one another to adapt, reuse, and apply these resources in the field. These resources include spatial data, conservation tools, landscape models, training videos, virtual courses, and reports, among others.

Landscape-scale conservation is integrated and coordinated work to preserve landscapes that sustain people, wildlife, and natural and cultural resources. It requires collaboration between individuals and groups that work on, and live in, diverse land and water ecosystems such as conservation practitioners, scientists, Tribal Nation representatives, local officials, landowners, farmers, fishers, and community members.

The Landscape Partnership is for any and all stewards of our nation’s lands, waters, and wildlife. The community includes natural and cultural resource managers and scientists from federal and state agencies, nonprofit organizations, representatives from sovereign Tribal Nations, and landscape coalitions as well as landowners, farmers, fishers, and community members. Anyone can register for a free account on the Landscape Partnership.

To register, follow this link (also available as a gray button on the top RH side of the website page).

You will be prompted to provide your name, email, and organization. This information is not shared with anyone outside of the Landscape Partnership. With an account on the Landscape Partnership, you can access resources not available to the public, create an Expertise profile, share resources, and collaborate with others in workspaces.

The Landscape Partnership aims to foster collaboration and connectivity between different stakeholders. To help live into this vision, the Expertise Search was created. It’s a database of expert profiles that displays who uses the portal, their expertise areas, what organizations they are affiliated with, the resources they work on, and their general location. A blank profile is started for you when you register for the Landscape Partnership. You can fill out this profile by going to “My Profile” when you’re logged in.

We ask that you create an Expertise profile and keep it up-to-date each year. This is how experts can find one another on the portal and collaborate with others.

We also ask that you use the Landscape Partnership as it was designed: to collaborate and work together on landscape resources. Some online spaces were just designed to catalog resources. The Landscape Partnership is more than that: we want to help stakeholders in the landscape work better by working together.

We encourage you to use, adapt, and share resources on the portal that others might find useful—like articles, news, reports, events, webinars, or learning resources. Try reaching out to other experts on the portal if you have questions about resources you find. If and when others reach out to you with questions, we ask that you communicate with and support them at your convenience.

People who live and work in and around landscapes are key partners in landscape stewardship. You are welcome to browse and use any information on the portal. In particular, resources listed as “Landowner Information” may be particularly useful to you. Using the Expertise Search, you can find practitioners working in your area who can provide answers to your questions and insight on your projects.

In particular, the Working Lands for Wildlife program works directly with landowners and farmers. They have specific forums to solicit feedback from landowners and are interested in working in close partnership. To learn more, visit the Working Lands for Wildlife page.

In particular, the Working Lands for Wildlife program works directly with landowners and farmers. They have specific forums to solicit feedback from landowners and are interested in working in close partnership. To learn more, visit the Working Lands for Wildlife page.

After you create your account and profile, you can share different file types such as calendar events, videos, virtual courses, reports, and articles. To learn how to share content, visit Portal Services.

If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to the portal admin at with “Share Resources” in the title.

Workspaces are password-protected areas of the Landscape Partnership that community members can use to coordinate projects, share files and data, and troubleshoot challenges together.

Some workspaces are for specific programs like Working Lands for Wildlife, while others are for broader communities of practice on issues like wildland fire, species conservation, and freshwater systems. You can see all workspaces on the Workspace homepage. When you view an individual workspace, you can request access and the admin will be in touch.

If you would like to learn more about existing workspaces or would like to create a new workspace on the Landscape Partnership, reach out to the portal admin ( with “Workspace Request” in the subject line.