Golden-Winged Warbler Habitat Project Update from Southeast Trust for Parks & Land (STPAL)
Southeast Trust for Parks & Land (STPAL) and their Wildlife Consultant, Vic Vansant, is undertaking a project with Ecoforester, Carolina Audubon, USDA Equip program, and State of North Carolina Forestry and DENR to create 16-acres of habitat for the “near threatened” golden-winged warbler (GWWA) on 750-acres Bald Mountain Creek Nature Preserve in Yancey County, NC. This bird’s population has declined 98% in the Appalachians in the past 45 years, primarily due to habitat loss.
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News & Events
Good for Bobwhite, Good for Cattle
America’s farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners are continuing to show how wildlife and working lands can prosper together. Let NRCS develop a comprehensive, resource conservation plan for your grazing operation and the northern bobwhite.
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Published Materials
Gopher Tortoise
NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to help agricultural producers voluntarily conserve gopher tortoise habitat on private lands. This assistance helps producers plan and implement a variety of conservation activities, or practices, that benefit the tortoise and support forestry operations.
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Landscapes & Wildlife
Gopher Tortoise Council
The Gopher Tortoise Council was formed in 1978 by a group of southeastern biologists and other citizens concerned with the decline of the gopher tortoise. The goals of the Council are: (1) to offer professional advice for management, conservation, and protection of gopher tortoises; (2) to encourage the study of the life history, ecology, behavior, physiology, and management of gopher tortoises and other upland species; (3) to conduct active public information and conservation education programs; (4) to seek effective protection of the gopher tortoise and other upland species throughout the southeastern United States.
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Organizations Search
Gopher tortoises in Southern states deserve federal protections, groups say
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Gopher tortoises imperiled by loss of habitat largely caused by human development should be placed on the endangered species list in four southern states, environmental groups said Wednesday as they prepared to sue the federal government over the issue.
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News & Announcements
Grazing Gone Native
Producer Drexel Atkisson talks about role of NWSFs in his grazing system in dealing with drought.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Grazing Management Minute: Establishing Native Warm Season Grasses
In ODA's latest Grazing Management Minute, join Quail Forever's Jason Jones and Clinton County farmer Nathan Rice to learn more about establishing native warm season grasses.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region
Learn how to plan, conduct and evaluate prescribed burns with this new Guidebook designed for burners of all skill levels. This book takes you step-by-step through the prescribed burning process in addition to providing more in-depth chapters on many of the concepts.
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Publications, fact sheets, training materials
Healing from the Inside Out
Perspectives from the first Indigenous woman to ever serve as a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Native American liaison
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News & Announcements
WLFW News Inbox
Hedgerow Planting for Wildlife & Pollinators (KY)
Job sheet
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NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials
Job Sheets