Webinar: Restoration on Private Lands Pt. 2 – Implementation, Biological Control Options, and Restoring for Birds
Part two of this webinar series includes extended Q&A geared towards restoration on private lands.
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News & Events
Webinar: Restoration on Private Lands Pt. 1 – Restoration Planning, Weed Control, and Recommended Herbicides
This two-part webinar series includes extended Q&A geared towards restoration on private lands.
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News & Events
Webinar: Working with Landowners to Build Resilience Across the Landscape
This session identified strategies to connect with landowners.
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News & Events
What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change
Christine Hatch speaks at UMass Amherst as part of the Northeast Climate Science Center Colloquium on November 28th, 2012.
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Videos and Webinars
Winter Grazing - a Better Way to Feed
In this video, three livestock producers describe how extending the grazing season with winter grasses has saved them time and money, while also improving the environment; and they demonstrate the methods they used to achieve these savings. Sponsored by the NRCS - East National Technology Support Center.
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Videos and Webinars
WLFW East Region Conservation Series April 11 2024
Tune in Thursday, April 11th, at 11:30 am CST (12:30 PM EST) for our last webinar in the Pollinator Series! This week's topic will cover "Maintaining Pollinator Habitat" with speaker Brittney Viers with Quail Forever.
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WLFW East Region Conservation Series May 9, 2024
Tune in Thursday, May 9th, at 11:30 am CST (12:30 PM EST) for our first webinar in the new mini-series, “Programs and Partnerships”! This week's topic will cover "What is Working Lands for Wildlife?" with speakers Bridgett Costanzo with USDA and Dr. Jess McGuire with Quail Forever.
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WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #4 “Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas”
Session 4 of the “Programs and Partnerships” mini-series was presented by Laurie Hamon with The Xerces Society. This session focuses on the Bumble Bee Atlas program and how beneficial it is to pollinator conservation. Topics covered include a basic understanding of bumble bee biology, a general overview of the Bumble Bee Atlas program, and a focused overview of the Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas.
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Learning & Tech Transfer
WLFW Conservation Webinar Series
WLFW Programs and Partnerships Webinar Series
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #2 “Bobwhite Habitat”
Session 2 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by James Martin from the University of Georgia. This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail and its basic habitat needs. Topics covered include quail numbers in managed areas, habitat connectivity, landscape scale effect of management practices, 4 basic habitat needs for bobwhites, and habitat heterogeneity.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
WLFW Northern Bobwhite Webinar Series
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #1 “Bobwhite Biology”
Session 1 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by James Martin from the University of Georgia. This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail and its basic biology. Topics covered include species overview across its range, population trends in different areas of the country, bobwhite quail mating strategies, nesting success, and annual survival.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
WLFW Northern Bobwhite Webinar Series