National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative
The National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative (NEWFI) is an initiative of the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP). NEWFI facilitates a Cooperative Extension system-wide responses to wildland fire issues; provides professional development and educational resources; and supports wildland fire and natural resources management with Extension professionals.
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National Aquatic Barrier Inventory & Prioritization Tool
Improve aquatic connectivity by prioritizing aquatic barriers for removal using the best available data.
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Learning & Tech Transfer
Apps, Maps, & Data
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter July 3, 2020
NASF releases COVID-19 stimulus platform, backs bill to improve GNA...
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WLFW Newsletters
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter June 21, 2024
NASF Weekly Newsletter
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WLFW Newsletters
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter
National Audubon Society
Audubon’s Mission: To conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. For more than a century, Audubon has built a legacy of conservation success by mobilizing the strength of its network of members, Chapters, Audubon Centers, state offices and dedicated professional staff to connect people with nature and the power to protect it.
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National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - Participating States
This map was developed by NBCI and depicts the 25 participating states in NBCI and its Technical Committee.
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Maps and Spatial Data
National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative
25 States. The unified strategy for bobwhite restoration... the most comprehensive interstate effort on behalf of a resident game bird in the history of wildlife management.
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National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative Quarterly Meeting
Join the National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative for our quarterly Zoom meeting. This meeting will feature brief presentations on emerging wildland fire Extension projects in Pennsylvania and Florida. We will also discuss ways NEWFI members across the country have adapted to offering wildland fire programming remotely due to restrictions related to COVID-19.
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News & Events
Events Inbox
National Fire Academy online courses
Online learning is a terrific option if you want to take National Fire Academy (NFA) classes. Our online self-study and mediated courses are free to fire and emergency services personnel, and international students are welcome. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for most courses. Successful completion is added to your NFA transcript, and you earn an NFA certificate.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is dedicated to sustaining, restoring and enhancing the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and habitats for current and future generations. NFWF remains dedicated to our mission, partners and staff during Coronavirus. We felt it important to take a minute to update you on the actions taken at NFWF and to make certain you know that our lines of communication are open as we all face this global life-changing challenge.
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