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Online course and conference offered to Virginia forest landowners
Virginia forest landowners looking to gain an understanding of how to keep their woods healthy and productive can do so in the comfort of their own home.
Located in News & Events
Person Starr, Richard
Watershed and stream function-based assessment, stream restoration design, stream restoration monitoring, stream restoration implementation, and stream training
Located in Expertise Search
File Octet Stream Marxan Training Overall Agenda PDF
PDF of the Agenda for Day 1 and Day 2 of Marxan training.
Located in Training / Marxan Training / Marxan Training Resources
Organization C source code National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center
The Prescribed Fire Training Center (PFTC) is a unique program blending maximum field prescribed burning experience with a flexible curriculum of classroom instruction on foundational topics for prescribed fire practitioners.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Project ECMAScript program Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges
Prescribed fire training exchanges are designed to address the unique landscape needs while keeping community values in mind.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Prescribed Burn
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to achieving our mission of protecting essential ecosystem services, creating sustainable working lands, and enhancing biodiversity. This course is an introduction to the podcast "Ted Takeaways" and how we can work together to address landscape-level issues and promote sustainable working lands with an eye towards equity and inclusion.
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / Training Resources / Inbox
LANDFIRE office hour chats
Located in Fire Mapping / National Fire Mapping / Landfire
Southern Fire Exchange maintains a list of online resources, archived webinars, and trainings including NWCG and non-NWCG resources on topics including smoke management, general prescribed fire, and fire weather. Many resources listed on this page are also included on SFE’s list.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Fire in the Field online trainings are offered online or by CD-ROM, and are recognized by many states as NWCG training equivalents.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Wildland Fire Learning Portal is an online learning management system that offers a variety of self-enroll courses for wildland fire professionals.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials