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Addressing Climate-related Uncertainty - new NCTC course
The course will provide participants with a foundation in structured decision making in the context of natural resource management problems addressing climate-related uncertainty. It will also illustrate applications to water resource management, mitigation, and endangered species decisions.
Located in News & Events / Events
File ECMAScript program ArcMap data and associated files
Data and files for ArcGIS software utilized during the Marxan training. The data is in zip file format.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan Training Data
File ArcMap Extension Instructions
Instructions for enabling ArcMap extensions used in the Marxan training.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan Training Software Installation Instructions
Extension Foundation Campus: Basic Prescribed Fire Training is an online course for landowners, land managers, state/federal agency personnel. In this course participants will develop a basic knowledge of the use, application and effects of prescribed fire. For more information or to enroll, contact John Weir, Oklahoma State University, at
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
This eight-hour online course is designed to prepare agriculturists to work with farmers as employees of a bio-refinery to provide its feedstock needs. Course topics include site selection, soils, drainage, fertility, varieties, weed control, selecting growers, contracts, production systems and other switchgrass production issues. Course instructors are specialists from Auburn University, University of Tennessee, University of Kentucky and Genera Energy. For more information or to enroll contact Mark Hall (
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
File Cluster Analysis Using Marxan
This manual describes how to use cluster anlaysis with R to analyze Marxan solutions.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan User Manuals
Communicating Science - Distilling Your Message
Learn to communicate more effectively about science with people outside your field, including the general public, policy makers, the media, donors, and prospective collaborators in other disciplines.
Located in News & Events / Events
Communications, Outreach & Visitor Services Training Workshop: Telling Stories, Making Connections
Our public lands and work in natural resource conservation is rich with stories. These stories grab the attention of our audiences and capture their hearts and imagination. This training introduces innovative communications, outreach and visitor services tools, including storytelling, to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service community and encourages staff to integrate them into their work to build and maintain relationships with key audiences.
Located in News & Events / Events
File Email Announcement from SDM Course Leader
2014-01-08 email from Christy Coghlan on upcoming SDM workshop - Call for Proposals.
Located in Workspace / Additional Partner HD Activities and Resources / Documents
Endangered Species Act: A Practical Primer for Decision Makers, Biologists and Staff Specialists (May 2025)
This workshop covers policy, legal and administrative aspects of managing threatened, endangered and sensitive species.
Located in News & Events