Black Duck Joint Venture
The Black Duck Joint Venture is a North American Waterfowl Management Plan Conservation Partnership
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Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited is the world's leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation.
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East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture
The East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture (EGCPJV) is a self-directed partnership of 13 state, federal, private, and academic organizations working together to coordinate bird conservation efforts in the coastal plain of six southeastern states.
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Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Wildlife Resources Division
Carries out the Department of Natural Resource's (DNR) mission to enhance and conserve Georgia’s natural, historic, and cultural resources. As one of six divisions within DNR, the Wildlife Resources Division is charged with conserving and promoting Georgia’s wildlife resources, including game and nongame animals, fish, and protected plants.
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Golden-Winged Warbler Habitat Project Update from Southeast Trust for Parks & Land (STPAL)
Southeast Trust for Parks & Land (STPAL) and their Wildlife Consultant, Vic Vansant, is undertaking a project with Ecoforester, Carolina Audubon, USDA Equip program, and State of North Carolina Forestry and DENR to create 16-acres of habitat for the “near threatened” golden-winged warbler (GWWA) on 750-acres Bald Mountain Creek Nature Preserve in Yancey County, NC. This bird’s population has declined 98% in the Appalachians in the past 45 years, primarily due to habitat loss.
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Golden-winged Warbler Habitat Restoration Work in Charlotte, VT
While many migratory birds are spending warm sunny days in Central and South America, Vermont biologists are braving the cold to improve conditions for birds when they return from their wintering grounds to breed in Vermont.
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Golden-Winged Warbler Working Group
The Golden-winged Warbler Working Group is responsible for implementing the Golden-winged Warbler Status Assessment and Conservation Plan
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Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
An agency of the Kentucky Tourism, Arts & Heritage Cabinet, the Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources conserves and enchances fish and wildlife resources and provides opportunity for hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, and other wildlife-related activites. Every year the agency enforces wildlife laws, manages public land and water, stocks fish, builds and maintains boat ramps, and informs and educates the public.
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Kittatinny Coalition
The Kittatinny Coalition, co-led by Audubon PA and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, is an alliance of organizations, agencies and academic institutions working together to conserve the natural, scenic, cultural, and aesthetic resources of the Kittatinny Ridge and Corridor.
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Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
The Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture (LMVJV) is a self-directed, non-regulatory private, state, and federal conservation partnership that exists for the purpose of sustaining bird populations and their habitats within the Lower Mississippi Valley and West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas regions through implementing and communicating the goals and objectives of relevant national and international bird conservation plans.
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