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Organization Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
The Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture (LMVJV) is a self-directed, non-regulatory private, state, and federal conservation partnership that exists for the purpose of sustaining bird populations and their habitats within the Lower Mississippi Valley and West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas regions through implementing and communicating the goals and objectives of relevant national and international bird conservation plans.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Project Pascal source code NFHAP SARP Lower Bourbeuse Aquatic Conservation Area (LBACA) Landowner Partnership
This project consists of a landowner partnership within the Lower Bourbeuse Aquatic Conservation Area (LBACA), Missouri.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
File Conservation Strategy for Imperiled Aquatic Species in the UTRB
The Strategy provides guidance to Field Offices in reevaluating current ("status quo") conservation approaches in order to deliver the most cost effective approach toward the conservation and management of imperiled freshwater fish and mussel species in the Upper Tennessee River Basin.
Located in The Strategy
Partnership benefits two Kentucky landscapes
The Forecastle Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to preserving areas of abundant biodiversity, today begins a new charitable partnership with The Nature Conservancy’s Kentucky Chapter.
Located in News & Events
Conserving imperiled species in the Upper Tennessee River Basin
When we think of river life, for many of us a handful of animals may come to mind – trout, smallmouth bass, muskie. But in the Southern Appalachians, waters of the Upper Tennessee River Basin are alive with a whopping 255 species of fish and mussels.
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Power Companies, Tribe, Agencies Take Steps to Save Rare Fish
Power companies, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and state and federal agencies have come together to conserve the sicklefin redhorse, a fish found in only six Appalachian counties worldwide and being considered for the federal endangered species list.
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Stitching Together Work of LCCs across the Southeast
The Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) is a shared, long-term vision for the conservation future of the Southeast and Caribbean region of the United States.
Located in News & Events
Interior, Agriculture & Defense Team Up To Conserve Landscapes and Wildlife, Bolster Rural Economies, and Ensure Military Readiness
The Departments of Interior, Agriculture and Defense joined with state and federal partners today to announce the designation of three new Sentinel Landscapes to benefit working lands, wildlife conservation and military readiness.
Located in News & Events
SECAS Version 1.0 Provides Regional Long-term Vision for Conservation
Leaders from state fish and wildlife agencies and federal and non-governmental partners came together at the 2016 Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) Conference to release Blueprint Version 1.0 of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS).
Located in News & Events
Appalachian Wildlife Center - Partnering for Wildlife and People in an Economically-Depressed Region
A collaborative new partnership between the Appalachian Wildlife Foundation, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, and others is working to establish wildlife-related tourism in the southern Appalachian region of Kentucky and the surrounding states by building a state-of-the-art wildlife education facility designed to share with visitors the incredible natural resources of the region.
Located in News & Events