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FY 2018 Brook Trout Conservation Funding Opportunity
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture are jointly requesting project proposals that are focused on Brook Trout conservation actions. Project applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on September 22, 2017.
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FY13 LCC National Funding Opportunity
The National LCC Office has released funding opportunities targeting aquatic resource conservation and developing a network of ecologically functional and connected landscapes.
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FY2015 Brook Trout Conservation Funding Opportunity
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is seeking project proposals focused on conserving the habitats needed to support healthy and productive wild Brook Trout populations.
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FY2017 Brook Trout Conservation Funding Opportunity
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is requesting project proposals that restore and conserve habitat necessary to support healthy and productive populations of wild brook trout.
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In Cities Across the U.S., Americans Will Gain Improved Access to the Health Benefits of Nature thanks to New, Expanded Urban Partnerships
Over $2 million for groundbreaking U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-led partnerships to engage local communities, advance wildlife conservation, reach the next generation of conservation leaders
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Innovative Regional Conservation Partnership Program to Bring Resources to Private Lands in Critical Conservation Areas
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack launched the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), a public-private partnership designed to focus conservation efforts on the most critical watersheds and landscapes.
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Interior Announces FY 2013 Climate Science Center Research Projects
In 2013 the Climate Science Centers are awarding nearly $7 million to universities and other partners for research as part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to reduce carbon pollution, move our economy toward clean energy sources and begin to prepare our communities for the impacts of climate change.
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Kentucky partnership with Tennessee, Ohio and West Virginia will restore mussels in 180 miles of the Licking River
Imperiled species will benefit from a total of $5.6 million in grants for 16 projects in 12 states through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s competitive State Wildlife Grants program. The grants, which focus on large-scale conservation projects yielding measurable results, will be matched by more than $2.9 million in non-federal funds from states and their partners for projects that work to conserve and recover wildlife identified by states as Species of Greatest Conservation Need and their habitats.
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Longleaf Pine Restoration Cost Share Applications Available to Landowners
The Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division (WFF) of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) is currently accepting applications through its Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) to continue longleaf pine restoration efforts in Alabama. The grant was awarded through a partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and will be made available to qualifying landowners for longleaf pine restoration on private lands.
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National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program Announces Funding for Projects to Support Hellbender Conservation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has has announced grant awards for the 2022 cycle of its Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program and several of the awards will benefit Eastern hellbenders.
Located in News & Events / Eastern Hellbender News