Butler, Patricia
Coordinator, Climate Change Response Framework
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Expertise Search
Central Appalachian Climate Change Vulnerability Species Assessments
These results are a compilation of climate change vulnerability assessments in the northern-most portion of the LCC, covering the area from New York south to West Virginia and Virginia, west to Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio.
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Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts
Vulnerability Assessment Foundational Data by Subregion
Climate Change Adaptation - TNC Florida
We are using the Adaptation Workbook to consider climate change adaptation actions for four different preserves in Florida.
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Crosswalk between the Appalachian LCC and the NFWPCAS
A crosswalk between the Appalachian LCC objectives, actions, and funded research as addressed in the 5-Year Work Plan and the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Climate Adaptation Strategy.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Material for SC Call 6/26/13
Enhancing the Climate Resilience of America’s Natural Resources
The President's Climate and Natural Resources Priority Agenda is the result of an interagency process to inventory and assess current policies, programs, and regulations related to climate change adaptation. The Agenda builds upon the robust climate change adaptation work already accomplished by Federal agencies and identifies significant actions moving forward. It specifically mentions how Federal agencies working to address ecosystem management issues through LCCs and other multi-stakeholder bodies will work with partners to select flagship geographic regions for which they will identify priority areas for conservation, restoration, or other investments to build resilience in vulnerable regions, enhance carbon storage capacity, and support management needs. Within 24 months, these agencies and their partners will have identified and mapped the initial list of priority areas within each of the selected geographic landscapes or regions.
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EPA Releases Agency Plans for Adapting to a Changing Climate
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released its draft Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plans for public review and comment. In support of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan and Executive Order on Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change announced today, the Implementation Plans provide detailed information about the actions EPA plans to take across the country to help communities adapt to a changing climate.
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Forest Service Honored for Leadership in Promoting Climate Change Adaptation
For their outstanding work in raising awareness and addressing the impacts of climate change on the nation’s natural resources, the Forest Service was honored today as the first-ever recipients of the Climate Adaption Leadership Award for Natural Resources.
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Geodiversity Key to Conserving Biodiversity Under Climate Change
The physical factors that create diversity (landform, bedrock, soil and topography), collectively known as geodiversity, might be the key to conserving biodiversity under a changing climate.
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GOT TREES? Building Climate-Ready Agriculture.
Agricultural lands are having to meet ever-increasing production and conservation targets. At the same time agriculture’s capacity to deliver these services is being challenged by shifting climate, changing markets, and evolving environmental conditions.
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Hot Topics Summer 2014
A quarterly newsletter developed by Southeast Regional Climate Change program.
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