National Cave and Karst Management Symposium
The theme for the Symposium is "Hidden Landscapes – Hidden Challenges", with particular emphasis on management issues related to human impact on karst.
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News & Events
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 5 Endangered Species Act Update
Featuring general news, incidental take permit, and classification information pertaining to the Endangered Species Act in Region 5.
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News & Events
USGS Releases a New U.S. Karst Map
USGS has released a digital map compilation, database and report delineating areas of the United States, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, having karst or the potential for development of karst and pseudokarst.
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News & Events
Reviewing Studies of Caves and Subterranean Biodiversity
A status review of studies from the cave and karst classification and mapping research project examined an array of research regarding cave environments, cave/karst biodiversity, and previous techniques for mapping and modeling such ecosystems.
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News & Events
What Lies Beneath: Classification and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources
“What Lies Beneath?” is not just a great name for a horror movie, but can describe the scientific and biodiversity challenges in protecting the distribution and richness of natural resources within karst landscapes.
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News & Events
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
The National Cave and Karst Research Institute (NCKRI) is a non-profit government-supported institute headquartered in the City of Carlsbad, New Mexico. Its goals are to conduct, support, facilitate, and promote programs in cave and karst research, education, environmental management, and data acquisition and sharing.
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Organizations Search
Cave and Karst Mapping and Classification Update
This presentation from Professor David Culver of American University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project that is assembling and identifying key location and classification data while developing products that depict and map cave and karst habitats and biological resources across the Appalachian LCC. Developing a consistent classification system and mapping for cave and karst habitats is a foundational need for these highly unique habitats.This project will develop cave and karst data and a georeferenced suite of products that are consistent in methodology to support larger-scale planning efforts, yet usable at scales that will support local resource decision-makers.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Classification of Cave/Karst Resources across the Appalachians
This project assembled georeferenced data, identified key intermediate (classification) data,and developed supporting science products that depict and map karst habitats and biotic resources across the Appalachian LCC based on the most appropriate method of classification to facilitate landscape-level planning objectives and address conservation and management needs.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
Cave Count per 20km Grid Cell
Total number of caves within a 20 kilometer grid cell. Each cell represents a range of caves found within that area.
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Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets
Study Area Carbonate Bedrock Exposure Map
This map depicts the carbonate bedrock exposure within the study area.
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Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps
Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets