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658 items matching your search terms
Northeast Climate Science Center Webinar
A Case Study for Identifying Climate Change Refugia
U.S. Forest Service Landscape Science Webinar
Assessing species risk and adaptability to climate change.
Implications of the National Climate Assessment
Join the Security and Sustainability Forum for the second session in the National Climate Assessment series and hear from NCA lead authors and sustainability ...
Breaking Traditional Barriers to Model Climate Change and Land Use Impacts on Freshwater Mussels
Thomas Kwak, Leader of the U.S. Geological Survey North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Professor of Biology, North Carolina State ...
First Friday All Climate Change Talks
Frank Thompson, research wildlife biologist with the Forest Service Northern Research Station in Columbia, MO, will discuss “Changes in the abundance of tree ...
The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: Considerations for Forests, Wildlife, and Land Use
Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference
The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and collaborators will host the Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference ...
Building Climate Solutions: 14th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment
Join over 1,200 key individuals from many fields of sciences and engineering, government and policy, business and civil society to advance solutions to climate ...
South Atlantic LCC Web Forum
Can forests take the heat? Managing pests and ecosystem services in a warming climate
National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation
Join conservation practitioners and policy makers from across North America to share ideas on the challenges and opportunities in implementing large landscape ...
Introducing the USGS National Climate Change Viewer
Jay Alder will be presenting the second revision of the recently released USGS National Climate Change Viewer (NCCV), which is a web application used for ...
First Stewards 2014 Symposium
Our major goals for this symposium are threefold: Promote and discuss how our Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) becomes a stronger part of the climate ...
Northeast CSC Webinar
Developing forest adaptation strategies for northern forests in an uncertain future.
OSU Climate Change Webinar
Exploring Snowfall in the United States.
Climate Change in America's National Parks
Reaching Common Ground: Communicating with Disbelieving Managers about Climate Change Impacts and Options.
Assessing climate-sensitive ecosystems in the southeastern United States
The southeastern U.S. contains a unique diversity of ecosystems that provide important benefits, including habitat for wildlife and plants, water quality, and ...
Climate-informed management of oak ecosystems in the Central Hardwoods region
Global climate changes will lead to local impacts on oak ecosystems throughout the central hardwoods region, including shifts in habitat suitability for ...
Climate-Smart Seedlot Selection Tool Webinar: Reforestation and Restoration for the 21st Century
This project’s main objective is to produce an interactive mapping application that will help forest managers match seedlots with planting sites.
What is Ecological Drought? Exploring its impacts on natural and cultural resources
In 2017 the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC), in partnership with the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC), will be ...
Northeast Climate Science Center Regional Science Meeting 2017
For our Regional Science Meeting, we will gather our scientists and partners to reflect on our collaborative work to incorporate climate science in the ...
The Adaptation Workbook - Building Your Climate Adaptation Plan
A collaboration between the Climate Learning Network and the Climate Science Initiative, this webinar provides an overview of the Adaptation Workbook, an ...
Online Screening of "One Stick at a Time
This film follows land managers in the Methow Valley, Washington for over a year, from forests to rivers, from fires to snowfall, from beaver capture to ...
Conservation Cooridor Digest
Monthly information on management, science, and climate change from Conservation Cooridor, an organization that provides up-to-date findings from science that ...
FHWA Sustainable Transport and Climate Change Newsletter
Prepared by the Office of Planning, Environment and Realty Federal Highway Administration.
Appalachian LCC Funds Four Landscape-level Projects
The Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) is investing in conservation projects across the Appalachian region that will support the sustainable ...
Scientists Locate Natural “Strongholds” that Could Protect Nature in the Face of Climate Change
A new study by The Nature Conservancy has identified a series of landscapes across the American Northeast and southeastern Canada that are predicted to ...
USFWS Climate Change Update - October
Climate Change Update provides information and news related to the Service's strategic response to accelerating climate change.
DOI Invited Nominations for NCCWSC & CSC Federal Advisory Committee
Intent to create a Federal Advisory Committee for the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and DOI Climate Science Centers
Interior Secretary Announces Funding for 2012 CSC Research
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has announced funding of more than $10 million awarded by Interior's regional Climate Science Centers to universities or ...
Lock Haven, Nature Conservancy Protect 5,200 Acres in Conservation Effort
Lock Haven City Authority, as a partner in The Nature Conservancy’s Working Woodlands Program, agrees to forever protect and sustainably manage its forest and ...
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