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File PDF document LandscapeEquation_lccmodel.pdf
Located in Cooperative / / Steering Committee / Past SC Meetings and Materials
File PDF document earlyWebSurvey1pgSummaryFinal.pdf
Located in Cooperative / / Steering Committee / Past SC Meetings and Materials
File PDF document AppLCC_VisionMission.pdf
Located in Cooperative / / Steering Committee / Past SC Meetings and Materials
File PDF document HO03b_EcoRegions.pdf
Located in Cooperative / / Steering Committee / Past SC Meetings and Materials
File PDF document HO03_Base_RefMapwithStates.pdf
Located in Cooperative / / Steering Committee / Past SC Meetings and Materials
File PDF document HO00_MeettheExSubCommittee1.pdf
Located in Cooperative / / Steering Committee / Past SC Meetings and Materials
ISC Meeting & Workshop, July 11-13, 2012
The Interim Steering Committee met in Blacksburg, VA to develop the Cooperative’s key goals, formulate guiding principles, and define next steps for incorporation into the LCC's first Work Plan.
Located in Cooperative / / 5-Year Work Plan / Background Resource Materials
ISC Meeting & Workshop, July 11-13, 2012
The Interim Steering Committee met in Blacksburg, VA to develop the Cooperative’s key goals, formulate guiding principles, and define next steps for incorporation into the LCC's first Work Plan.
Located in Cooperative / / Steering Committee / Past SC Meetings and Materials
File Octet Stream Stream channel geomorphology influences mussel abundance in southern Appalachian streams, U.S.A.
We quantified freshwater mussel abundance and species richness and their physical habitat at 24 sites in eight streams in southern Appalachian catchments in 2000 and 2001. In addition, we modelled site-specific hydraulic parameters during summer baseflow and bankfull stages to estimate high- and low-discharge conditions, respectively. Mussel abundance was related to stream geomorphology, whereas richness was related to stream size. Baseflow habitat parameters explained only minor variation in abundance or richness, and both measures were highly correlated with mean current velocity or stream size. Bankfull shear stress composed a relatively low proportion of overall mussel habitat variability, but it accounted for significant variation in abundance and richness. Mussel abundance was highly variable at sites subject to low-shear stress during spates, whereas abundance always was low at sites subject to high-shear stress. These data suggest that habitat conditions during floods, rather than those at summer baseflow, limit the abundance of mussels in Appalachian streams. These data also suggest that mussel abundance and assemblage structure may be sensitive to any changes in channel geomorphology and hydraulic conditions that might result from land use in the catchment.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
File Stakeholder participation for environmental management: A literature review
The complex and dynamic nature of environmental problems requires flexible and trans- parent decision-making that embraces a diversity of knowledges and values. For this rea- son, stakeholder participation in environmental decision-making has been increasingly sought and embedded into national and international policy. Although many benefits have been claimed for participation, disillusionment has grown amongst practitioners and stakeholders who have felt let down when these claims are not realised. This review first traces the development of participatory approaches in different disciplinary and geograph- ical contexts, and reviews typologies that can be used to categorise and select participatory methods. It then reviews evidence for normative and pragmatic benefits of participation, and evaluates limitations and drawbacks. Although few of the claims that are made have been tested, there is evidence that stakeholder participation can enhance the quality of environmental decisions by considering more comprehensive information inputs.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings