National Landscape Conservation Cooperative Network Concept
LCC Network overview, including map of geographic boundaries of 22 national LCCs including the Appalachian LCC.
Located in
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Introduction to the Appalachian LCC
Overview of Appalachian LCC
A brief overview of the landscape setting and natural resources.
Located in
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Introduction to the Appalachian LCC
Land Use and Energy Development in the Appalachian LCC
A brief discussion of primary land uses in the AppLCC.
Located in
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Conservation Challenges in the Appalachian LCC
DOI Research Facilities/Programs
A list for DOI agencies.
Located in
Introduction to the Appalachian LCC
Federal Research Capacity within the AppLCC
Federal Non_DOI Research Facilities/Programs
Other Federal facilities and programs beyond DOI.
Located in
Introduction to the Appalachian LCC
Federal Research Capacity within the AppLCC
Observations of Climate Change in the AppLCC
Observations and likely outcomes from changing climate for AppLCC natural resources.
Located in
General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Climate Change Adaptation Planning
Planning efforts completed or underway by Federal and State agencies and Tribes.
Located in
General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Management Capacity - States
Conservation Management capacity residing within State agencies of the AppLCC region.
Located in
General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Management Capacity - Federal DOI Agencies
Management capacity that lies within Dept. of Interior agencies.
Located in
General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Management Capacity - Federal Non-DOI Agencies
Management capacity that lies within Federal agencies outside the Dept. of Interior.
Located in
General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning