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Northeast States Release Report on Hellbender Distribution
The Regional Conservation Needs (RCN) Grants Program funded project, Developing a coordinated research approach for hellbender conservation in the northeast, was completed in late 2016.
Located in News & Events
New Habitat Guidelines for Six Species of Eastern Wildlife
The American marten, Bicknell’s thrush, Canada warbler, rusty blackbird, scarlet tanager and wood thrush – six beleaguered northeastern forest animals – should get a boost from a new series of publications explaining how best to create and manage habitat for them.
Located in News & Events
File Work Plan Report Card 2013
End of Year “Report Card” to Advance the Goals and Objectives of the AppLCC as Identified in the 5-Year Work Plan.
Located in Cooperative / Our Plan / 5-Year Work Plan
LCC Science Assessments are conducted to appraise the current spectrum of scientific knowledge surrounding shared resource priorities, and to identify and prioritize management questions and related research and technical assistance gaps and needs. They explore potential approaches for utilizing existing information, developing scientific tools, and improving the state of knowledge. LCC Science Assessments identify common needs for science among the various partners and partnerships to meet their conservation priorities and goals, and are developed in coordination with Climate Science Centers.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Network