Fire Neural Network - FNN
FNN™ detects High-Risk-Lightning™ (HRL™) using its proprietary detector, and pairs this information with real-time environmental data using AI signal processing adapted from astrophysics to Find Fires Lightning Fast℠.
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Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter October, 2019
In this issue: Shortleaf Pine Conference; Research Brief; Heads Up!; Hot Spots; Spotlight; Upcoming Events.
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Wildland Fire Newletters
Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter
A Guide to Staying Safe During Wildfires
This all-in-one guide delivers the essential strategies and tactics to keep you safe from wildfire — no matter where you live.
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Landowner Information
Landowner Resources
Western Oregon University CERT Resources
CERT is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety...
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Landowner Resources
Colorado State University Extension Fire Resources
The most up-to-date fire-related resources, from CSU Extension and our partnering agencies.
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Landowner Resources
Driftless Prairies: Native Ecosystems-The Interaction of Fire and Grass
Understanding the biology and physiology of grass in management decisions
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Landowner Information
Landowner Resources
From Flames to Forests: Past, Present, and Future Fires for Sustaining Our Forests and Wildlife
This webinar will feature some of the leading researchers and practitioners in fire science to help us understand how to manage our forests with fire under challenging circumstances.
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WLFW Events Inbox
Defenders Magazine Fall 2019
Florida manatee numbers are up but so are the challenges they face.
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Conservation Newsletters
Defenders of Wildlife-Defenders Magazine
How a hurricane fueled wildfires in the Florida Panhandle
The wildfires that broke out in the Florida Panhandle in early March 2022 were the nightmare fire managers had feared since the day Hurricane Michael flattened millions of trees there in 2018. It might sound odd – hurricanes helping to fuel wildfires. But Michael’s 160 mph winds left tangles of dead trees that were ready to burn.
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Northeast Regional Strategy Committee
The NE RSC , as one of 3 regional committees of the WFLC, is working well, continues to expand, and is the only regional wildland fire management forum in the Northeast to exchange ideas and maintain a collaborative environment among many partners, and focus on developing mutually beneficial strategies and problem-solving.
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