Conservation in a Changing Climate - Website
The success of future conservation efforts will depend upon our abilities to understand and predict ecosystem changes and take action to help species adjust to a changing climate.
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The Cumberland River Compact and The Nature Conservancy of TN have launched two new resources to help partner's achieve their goals and connect basin professionals and residents with available resources.
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News & Events
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center
The Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center is an interdisciplinary resource that is actively developing new technology and tools to anticipate and respond to emerging eastern forest threats.
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GIS & Planning
Other Conservation & Planning Tools
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center
The Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center is an interdisciplinary resource that is actively developing new technology and tools to anticipate and respond to emerging eastern forest threats.
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Planning In Practice
Conservation Planning Projects
EPA Accepts First GHG Reporting Data - Agency launches electronic GHG reporting tool
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is launching a new tool to allow 28 industrial sectors to submit their 2010 greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution data electronically. Prior to being finalized, more than1,000 stakeholders, including industry associations, states and NGOs tested the electronic GHG Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) to ensure clarity and user-friendliness.
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General Resources Holdings
EPA Southeastern Ecological Framework Project
The Southeastern Ecological Framework Project is a GIS-based analysis to identify ecologically significant areas and connectivity in the southeast region of the U.S.
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GIS & Planning
Other Conservation & Planning Tools
EPA Southeastern Ecological Framework Project
The Southeastern Ecological Framework Project is a GIS-based analysis to identify ecologically significant areas and connectivity in the southeast region of the U.S.
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Planning In Practice
Conservation Planning Projects
Forest Inventory and Analysis National Program
This program collects, analyzes, and reports information on the status and trends of America’s forests: how much forest exists, where it exists, who owns it, and how it is changing, as well as how the trees and other forest vegetation are growing and how much has died or has been removed in recent years.
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GIS & Planning
Other Conservation & Planning Tools
Forest Inventory and Analysis National Program
This program collects, analyzes, and reports information on the status and trends of America’s forests: how much forest exists, where it exists, who owns it, and how it is changing, as well as how the trees and other forest vegetation are growing and how much has died or has been removed in recent years.
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Planning In Practice
Conservation Planning Projects
Global Warming May Cause Higher Loss of Biodiversity Than Previously Thought
If global warming continues as expected, it is estimated that almost a third of all flora and fauna species worldwide could become extinct. Scientists from the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum, BiK-F) and the SENCKENBERG Gesellschaft für Naturkunde discovered that the proportion of actual biodiversity loss should quite clearly be revised upwards: by 2080, more than 80 % of genetic diversity within species may disappear in certain groups of organisms, according to researchers in the title story of the journal Nature Climate Change. The study is the first world-wide to quantify the loss of biological diversity on the basis of genetic diversity.
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General Resources Holdings