Forest Stewardship Council
As the original pioneers of forest certification, we have 25 years of experience in sustainable forest management. We use our expertise to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests, bringing together experts from the environmental, economic and social spheres.
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Gopher Tortoise Council
The Gopher Tortoise Council was formed in 1978 by a group of southeastern biologists and other citizens concerned with the decline of the gopher tortoise. The goals of the Council are: (1) to offer professional advice for management, conservation, and protection of gopher tortoises; (2) to encourage the study of the life history, ecology, behavior, physiology, and management of gopher tortoises and other upland species; (3) to conduct active public information and conservation education programs; (4) to seek effective protection of the gopher tortoise and other upland species throughout the southeastern United States.
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Great Basin Fire Science Exchange
The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange (GBFSE) connects land managers and scientists to improve pre- and post-fire management decisions by providing relevant information and access to technical expertise. This project is one of 15 regional Fire Science Exchanges funded by the Joint Fire Science Program.
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Helping to Facilitate CASRI and SASRI Coordination
Working at a landscape scale requires close coordination with multiple partners.
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Indigenous Peoples Burning Network
The Indigenous Peoples Burning Network (IPBN) is a support network among Native American communities that are revitalizing their traditional fire practices in a contemporary context. Since time immemorial indigenous people have been using refined fire practices to care for landscapes in what is now the U.S.
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Interior Highland Shortleaf Pine Initiative
The Interior Highlands region of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma once supported vast expanses of shortleaf pine-bluestem woodlands, as well as mixed stands of pine-oak and oak-pine which were maintained by frequent fires. Over the past century 53% of these open pine stands have been significantly altered due to forest structural changes caused by eliminating fire from the ecosystem and conversion to other agricultural uses. This caused a significant decline in several priority bird species including the Brown-headed Nuthatch, Bachman’s Sparrow, Northern Bobwhite, Prairie Warbler, Whip-poor-will and federally endangered Red-Cockaded Woodpecker which all rely on open pine forest stands with a diverse grass and forb understory.
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Klamath Lake Forest Health Partnership (KLFHP)
The Klamath Lake Forest Health Partnership (KLFHP) is a cooperative network of diverse local and regional partners who have come together to address forestland management in the region.
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Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
The Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture (LMVJV) is a self-directed, non-regulatory private, state, and federal conservation partnership that exists for the purpose of sustaining bird populations and their habitats within the Lower Mississippi Valley and West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas regions through implementing and communicating the goals and objectives of relevant national and international bird conservation plans.
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Mainspring Conservation Trust
Mainspring is the land trust in the Southern Blue Ridge mountains, which spans seven counties: Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Jackson, Macon and Swain in North Carolina, and Rabun County, Georgia.
Its goal is to conserve and restore the lands and waters of the Southern Blue Ridge, and to connect the people to these natural treasures.
Formed in 1997 by a group of visionaries, this organization grew into the Land Trust for the Little Tennessee, until it transitioned to Mainspring Conservation Trust in 2016.
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Management Capacity - Regional Partnerships
Management capacity that resides within existing formal Partnerships such as Joint Ventures, Fish Habitat Partnerships, and others.
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General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning