Recovery: Farm Bill Provides Hope for the Cerulean Warbler
With funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) available from the Farm Bill’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (a partnership of state and federal agencies and NGOs including The Nature Conservancy) is helping private land owners restore cerulean habitat.
Check out the original article at the Nature Conservancy's Cool Green Science blog:
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Webinar: Effects of Climate Change on Inland Fish and Fisheries: Global, North American, and Management Perspectives
Join AFWA's Effects of Climate Change webinar coming up next Wednesday.
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Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change Project Now Underway
A new study is underway in New Hampshire's northwoods that will further our understanding of management options for climate change adaptation. The Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) project is a collaborative effort among scientists and land managers to develop a network of experimental silvicultural trials in different forest ecosystem types throughout the United States, and the Second College Grant, located in the Northern Forest region of New Hampshire and owned and managed by Dartmouth College, is one of five ASCC study sites. The project was initiated last fall and launched into full-force this spring with pre-treatment data collection. Timber harvests began this summer to implement forest management treatments demonstrating the three adaptation options of resistance, resilience, and transition. Scientists and managers will be planting tree species that have been identified as future-adapted for the transition treatment next spring, which includes northern red oak, bitternut hickory, eastern white pine, eastern hemlock, basswood, black birch, bigtooth aspen, and chestnut. To learn more about the Second College Grant ASCC project, contact the Site Leads Tony D'Amato or Chris Woodall.
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New Handouts Summarize Tree Species Responses to Climate Change
NIACS created a series of 2-page handouts that summarize how individual tree species are expected to respond to climate change across the Northeast based on regional climate change vulnerability assessments. Each handout includes model projections based on future climate scenarios and models like the Climate Change Tree Atlas. We think they're a handy way to show a lot of information and get people thinking about managing climate change risk and opportunity. Handouts are available for subregions within each of the three project areas:
New England and Northern New York
Central Appalachians
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Conservation and Inspiration in the Tennessee River Basin
An article from the Tennessee River Basin Network's third annual meeting, highlighting the work being done in one of America's most biologically diverse watersheds.
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How the South Fights Fire with Fire, and What the West Can Learn
Most years Georgia intentionally burns around a million acres of forest. That’s about 30 times the size of California’s prescribed burns. Florida performs prescribed burns over twice that much land. That’s according to data from the national interagency fire center and compiled by the non-profit Climate Central.
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Ag a perfect place to 'do science' (Editorial)
Using agriculture as a venue for science aligns perfectly with the “do science” mentality. The hands-on action-oriented learning in real-life conditions tricks young students into learning by stimulating their senses and curiosity. It exposes them to so many scientific realms that they often learn they like something they never knew about.
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Native grasses win performance tests
More than one study shows good gains and low costs from native forages.
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New bill may mean more ability to conserve at-risk wildlife species in Arkansas
WASHINGTON, DC – Conservation of our nation’s wildlife may see a dramatic boost thanks to a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives July 12 by Representatives Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) and Debbie Dingell (D-MI). The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (H.R. 3742) was introduced with bipartisan support to devote additional money to wildlife conservation throughout the U.S.
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A New Way to Support EBTJV-Shop Select RepYourWater Merchandise to Further our Brook Trout Conservation Efforts
Shop Select RepYourWater Merchandise to Further our Brook Trout Conservation Efforts-The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is excited to announce its collaboration with RepYourWater, Beyond the Pond, and the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) to further support fish habitat conservation from whitewater to bluewater.
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