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USGS Study Reveals Interactive Effects of Climate Change, Invasive Species on Native Fish
A new USGS study shows non-native Brown Trout can place a burden on native Brook Trout under the increased water temperatures climate change can cause.
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Preserving Working Lands Conserves Habitats
Working lands not only provide food and fiber for our nation, but also an assortment of environmental benefits such as critical habitat for wildlife.
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Engaging Conservation Partnerships in the Vital Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Over the last two months, Coordinator Jean Brennan has worked with partners in the Chesapeake Conservation Partnership and Chesapeake Watershed Forum to introduce many to the diversity of LCC science products and tools that can benefit their important conservation work in this vital watershed.
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Steering Committee Work Groups Developing Major Goals and Objectives of Next 5-Year Work Plan
The Appalachian LCC community has identified and refined the major goals the Cooperative will work towards in the coming years, based on in-depth survey responses and focused discussions during workshop sessions at our most recent Steering Committee meeting in August.
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Demonstrating Value of Riparian Restoration Tool to Riparian Forest Buffer Advisory Committee
On October 27, Jessica Rhodes of the Appalachian LCC provided a demonstration of the Riparian Prioritization for Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) decision support tool for the most recent meeting of the Riparian Forest Buffer Advisory Committee.
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Landscape Conservation Design Phase II: Assessing Aquatic Integrity
Over the last year, a coordinated series of consultations with experts across the region has resulted in priority aquatic species, habitats, and ecosystems into Phase II of the Appalachian LCC Landscape Conservation Design (LCD).
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SECAS Version 1.0 Provides Regional Long-term Vision for Conservation
Leaders from state fish and wildlife agencies and federal and non-governmental partners came together at the 2016 Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) Conference to release Blueprint Version 1.0 of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS).
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Cumberland Plateau Stewardship Fund 2017 RFP Available
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is seeking proposals within the Cumberland Plateau that will help accelerate the restoration and enhancement of critical forest and freshwater habitats and associated wildlife species in the region.
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Plains & Prairie Potholes LCC - FY17 Notice of Funding Opportunity
The Plains and Prairie Potholes LCC is pleased to announce the FY17 Notice of Funding Opportunity for strategic science. Proposals targeting land use change dynamics and human dimensions aspects of conservation will be accepted via until January 23, 2017.
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Appalachian Landscape Conservation Fellowship
The Fellowship offers a unique opportunity for new-entry professionals to be part of the emerging field of Landscape Conservation. This is a post-graduate level opportunity with career interests in applied landscape conservation science and management, working for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative.
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