National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter June 21, 2024
NASF Weekly Newsletter
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National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter May 22, 2020
BeOutdoorSafe launches, agencies continue to grapple with COVID-19...
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National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter April 23, 2021
Capitol Hill and Earth Day happenings + more
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National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter February 26, 2021
Partners announce #WMA winners, plus more 🌳 news!
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WLFW Newsletters
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter
National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative Quarterly Meeting
Join the National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative for our quarterly Zoom meeting. This meeting will feature brief presentations on emerging wildland fire Extension projects in Pennsylvania and Florida. We will also discuss ways NEWFI members across the country have adapted to offering wildland fire programming remotely due to restrictions related to COVID-19.
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Events Inbox
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Awards $1.3 Million in Grants to Conserve Habitat in the Southeast’s Cumberland Plateau
Seven projects will preserve forest and stream habitats, benefiting game species, forest-dependent birds, and fish and mussel species
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Eastern Hellbender News
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program Announces Funding for Projects to Support Hellbender Conservation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has has announced grant awards for the 2022 cycle of its Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program and several of the awards will benefit Eastern hellbenders.
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Eastern Hellbender News
National Park Service Announces Nearly $23 million in Historic Preservation Grants to States
National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis today announced $22.9 million in historic preservation grants. The grants will enable states and territories to preserve and protect our nation’s historic sites utilizing revenues from federal oil leases on the Outer Continental Shelf.
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National Strategy Will Help Safeguard Fish, Wildlife and Plants in a Changing Climate
In partnership with State and Tribal agencies, the Obama Administration today released the first nationwide strategy to help public and private decision makers address the impacts that climate change is having on natural resources and the people and economies that depend on them. Developed in response to a request by Congress, the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy is the product of extensive national dialogue that spanned nearly two years and was shaped by comments from more than 55,000 Americans.
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National Wildlife Refuges Support Over 35,000 Jobs, Pump $2.4 Billion into Local Communities
America’s national wildlife refuges continue to be strong economic engines for local communities across the country, pumping $2.4 billion into the economy and supporting more than 35,000 jobs, according to a new national report released today by U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell.
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