LANDFIRE office hour chats
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Fire Mapping
National Fire Mapping
Landfire Postcard November 2019
As 2019 winds down, LANDFIRE offers a sincere thank you to all who contributed to the program this year. LF is a cornerstone of a fully integrated national data information framework that is developing and improving vegetation and fuels products to support strategic fire and resource management planning and analysis.
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News & Events
Wildland Fire Newletters
Landfire Bulletin Newsletters
Landmark Publication Celebrates 75 Years of Conservation and Partnership Success Through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service has released a landmark publication celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program, the cornerstone of fish and wildlife conservation in North America. This vital program provides more than $700 million each
year through the sale of hunting and fishing equipment to support habitat conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the nation.
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News & Events
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives: Building a Network to Help Fulfill Public Trust Obligations
The Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) network (Network), comprised of 22 conservation partnerships spanning North America and U.S. Islands, is uniquely positioned to assist government members in fulfilling their public trust obligations to sustain natural and cultural resources for current and future generations by (a) ensuring inclusivity of broad stakeholder participation in conservation decision-making, and (b) building capacity for public trust to work in conservation, thus increasing the chance for successful and lasting conservation outcomes.
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News & Events
Landscape Conservation Design Phase II: Assessing Aquatic Integrity
Over the last year, a coordinated series of consultations with experts across the region has resulted in priority aquatic species, habitats, and ecosystems into Phase II of the Appalachian LCC Landscape Conservation Design (LCD).
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News & Events
Landscape Conservation Design: Initial Products and Expert Consultations for the Appalachian Mountains and Western River Basins
Over the last couple years, the Appalachian LCC has supported the development of a science-based, regional-scale design commonly called a “Landscape Conservation Design (LCD)” or “Conservation Blueprint”.
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News & Events
Landscape Partnership Newsletter-USDA Doubling Down On Growth Of NRCS Working Lands For Wildlife!
USDA Doubling Down on Growth of NRCS Working Lands For Wildlife!
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletter Announcing The Literature Gateway: Bird-Vegetation Relationships in Eastern and Boreal Forests
Working Lands for Wildlife is happy to announce the launch of the Literature Gateway: A Systematic Map of Bird-Vegetation Relationships in Eastern and Boreal Forests. The Literature Gateway is the newest online tool to join the suite of decision-support tools hosted on the Landscape Partnership Portal.
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletter-WLFW Prescribed Burning Added To FY24 Climate-Smart Practice List
WLFW news brief.
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletter-Announcing Bobscapes: A Mobile App To Track Northern Bobwhite On Our Landscapes
Working Lands for Wildlife is happy to announce the launch of Bobscapes, a Mobile App to track Northern Bobwhite. Bobscapes is the newest online tool to join the suite of decision-support tools hosted on the Landscape Partnership Portal.
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters