North Carolina Herpetological Society
The North Carolina Herpetological Society was founded in 1978 by a small group of individuals with a mutual interest in North Carolina herpetology.
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North Carolina Natural Heritage Program
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program's mission is to provide science and incentives to inform conservation decisions and support conservation of significant natural areas in North Carolina.
By gathering and sharing information about rare species and natural communities, the Program ensures public access to information that is needed to weigh the ecological significance of natural areas and to evaluate potential ecological impacts of conservation and development projects. The Program sits within the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
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Northwest FL Prescribed Burn Association
The Northwest Florida Prescribed Burn Association (NWFPBA) is a non-profit organization consisting of private landowners and other conservation-minded individuals interested in getting more prescribed fire on the landscape.
The Northwest Florida PBA brings together knowledge, experience, and resources to put good prescribed fire on more private lands throughout the area. The region covered by this PBA is from Madison County to Escambia County in Northwest Florida.
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Norwalk River Watershed Association
The Norwalk River Watershed Association, incorporated in 1996, is a nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to improve the water quality and fish and wildlife habitats of the 40,000-acre Norwalk River watershed; to restore the riverbanks, meadows and forests through invasive plant abatement and promotion of native species; to encourage recreational use of the river, the surrounding open space and its trails; and to promote research, legislative advocacy, education, cooperation, and action on the part of the stakeholders in the seven watershed towns in CT (Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Canaan, Weston, and Norwalk) and NY (Lewisboro).
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Nova Scotia Nature Trust NSNT
We protect Nova Scotia’s outstanding natural legacy through land conservation.
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Obed Watershed Community Association
Obed Watershed Community Association (OWCA) is a Crossville, TN-based nonprofit with the mission to protect and enhance the watersheds of the Obed River and its tributaries within Cumberland County, TN through community education, creating opportunities for community research and service projects, and promoting conservation, recreation, and best management practices. It also supports activities in other nearby watersheds both within Cumberland County and surrounding counties.
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Panhandle Forest Collaborative
The Panhandle Forest Collaborative focuses on issues on the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, primarily within the Sandpoint, Priest Lake and portions of the Coeur d’Alene Ranger Districts, with the goals of reducing litigation, promoting sustainable operations, enhancing travel and recreation opportunities, maintaining infrastructure for timber, ranching and recreation, and conserving native ecosystems.
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Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC) is an inclusive partnership dedicated to the conservation of the herpetofauna--reptiles and amphibians--and their habitats. Our membership comes from all walks of life and includes individuals from state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, museums, pet trade industry, nature centers, zoos, energy industry, universities, herpetological organizations, research laboratories, forest industries, and environmental consultants. The diversity of our membership makes PARC the most comprehensive conservation effort ever undertaken for amphibians and reptiles.
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Pollinator Partnership
Pollinator Partnership works with diverse stakeholders representing various perspectives with the goal of creating positive change for pollinators. We work with farmers, gardeners, land managers, scientists, and industry to develop tools and programs that help keep pollinators safe from pesticides, habitat loss, climate change, and other threats.
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Project Bog Turtle
Project Bog Turtle, established in 1995, is a conservation initiative of the North Carolina Herpetological Society. Tom Thorp (Three Lakes Nature Center and Aquarium, Richmond, VA) is currently the chair and is assisted by Ann B. Somers (UNC-Greensboro, Greensboro, NC). The original project was originated in the late 1970s by Dennis Herman as a continuation of a bog turtle distribution survey, initiated by Robert T. Zappalorti (Herpetological Associates, Inc.), in southwestern North Carolina and expanded to include other southern states to locate new sites and populations of bog turtles. Most of the work, however, was conducted in North Carolina. The project involved population density studies in several sites and a captive propagation and head-start program at the Atlanta Zoological Park (now Zoo Atlanta). It was evident, as the project progressed, that additional personnel and assistance from various state, federal, and private agencies would be needed.
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