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Organization Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
We inspire people to live in harmony with the natural world by fostering love, appreciation, and understanding of the Sonoran Desert.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Arkansas River Watershed Collaborative
The Arkansas River Watershed Collaborative (ARWC) grew out of the process of wildfire and its effects on water and communities. As fires in the Arkansas River Basin and across the state were becoming more intense and frequent, the need for organized community and agency partnerships to address impacts and preserve the health of our watersheds became clear and urgent.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Audubon North Carolina Annual Meeting
Audubon North Carolina and the Wake Audubon Society Chapter are pleased to welcome all members, friends, and bird enthusiasts to the 2013 Audubon NC Annual Meeting being held from May 31 through June 2 in and around Raleigh.
Located in News & Events / Events
Organization Octet Stream Audubon Pennsylvania
With a century of conservation history in Pennsylvania, Audubon strives to conserve and restore the habitats we share with all wildlife, focusing on the needs of birds.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Blue Forest Conservation
Blue Forest is a mission-driven, non-profit organization creating sustainable financial solutions to meet pressing environmental challenges. Our flagship financial product, the Forest Resilience Bond (FRB), deploys private capital to finance forest restoration projects on private and public lands to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Troff document Cacapon and Lost Rivers Land Trust
The Cacapon and Lost Rivers Land Trust is the only homegrown organization exclusively dedicated to permanently protecting and preserving land in Cacapon and Lost River Valley. We have worked with our Valley’s landowners, for over 25 years to protect and preserve the natural resources, beauty and uniqueness of our Valley. Our work focuses on protecting only the richest ecological and economically beneficial areas to create a network or natural land hubs and corridors.
Located in Cooperative / Our Organization / Affiliates
Organization California Deer Association
The California Deer Association is a nonprofit, tax exempt wildlife conservation organization whose principal goal is to improve our California deer herds and other wildlife through direct financial support for habitat improvement and research projects. Seventy-five percent of the net profit from fundraising events goes to projects benefiting deer and other wildlife within California.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Canaan Valley Institute (CVI)
Canaan Valley Institute (CVI) is driven by a mission to ensure the Appalachian region has healthy streams — a critical economic engine for rural communities. CVI’s approach for clean and healthy rivers creates positive results environmentally AND economically.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization text/texmacs Center for Private Forests
The James C. Finley Center for Private Forests at Penn State: fostering collaborative education and retention, stewardship, and management of private forests
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Central Appalachian Climate Change Vulnerability Species Assessments
These results are a compilation of climate change vulnerability assessments in the northern-most portion of the LCC, covering the area from New York south to West Virginia and Virginia, west to Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio.
Located in Research / / Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts / Vulnerability Assessment Foundational Data by Subregion