Thomas, Richard Neil
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Stream at Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area
Upstream view of stream at the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area.
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Clinch Mountain WMA Waterfall
Waterfall located at the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area
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Tennessee River Basin Map
This map depicts the boundaries of the Tennessee River Basin based on hydrologic units from U.S. Geoloogical Survey using the National Geogrpahic World Map as a basemap.
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Tennessee River Basin with APP LCC Boundary
This map depicts the boundaries of the Tennessee River basin defined using hydrologic units from the U.S. Gelogical Survey overlaid on the Appalachian LCC boundary using the National Geographic World Map as a basemap.
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Yellowfin madtoms
Yellowfin madtoms in Copper Creek in Virginia.
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Yellowfin madtoms prior to release
Yellowfin madtoms prior to their release in the Upper Tennessee River Basin.
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Spiny river snail
Spiny river snails which are tagged for release in the Upper Tennessee River Basin.
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Virginia big-eared bat
Virginia big-eared bat from Repass Saltpetre Cave in Virginia being measured before release.
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Released Virginia big-eared bat
Virginia big-eared bat being released at Repass Saltpetre Cave in Virginia.
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