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File PDF document Conservation VALUE OF ROADLESS AREAS FOR VULNERABLE FISH AND Wildlife Species in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, Montana
The Crown of the Continent Ecosystem is one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world and most ecologically intact ecosystem remaining in the contiguous United States. Straddling the Continental Divide in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem extends for >250 miles from the fabled Blackfoot River valley in northwest Montana north to Elk Pass south of Banff and Kootenay National Parks in Canada. It reaches from the short-grass plains along the eastern slopes of the Rockies westward nearly 100 miles to the Flathead and Kootenai River valleys. The Crown sparkles with a variety of dramatic landscapes, clean sources of blue waters, and diversity of plants and animals.Over the past century, citizens and government leaders have worked hard to save the core of this splendid ecosystem in Montana by establishing world-class parks and wildernesses – coupled with conservation of critical wildlife habitat on state and private lands along the periphery. These include jewels such as Glacier National Park, the Bob Marshall-Scapegoat-Great Bear Wilderness, the first-ever Tribal Wilderness in the Mission Mountains, numerous State of Montana Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), and vital private lands through land trusts such as The Nature Conservancy. Their combined efforts have protected 3.3 million acres and constitute a truly impressive commitment to conservation. It was a remarkable legacy and great gift …but, in the face of new challenges, it may not have been enough.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Contemporary ocean warming and freshwater conditions are related to later sea age at maturity in Atlantic salmon spawning in Norwegian rivers
Atlantic salmon populations are reported to be declining throughout its range, raising major management concerns. Variation in adult fish abundance may be due to variation in survival, growth, and timing of life history decisions. Given the complex life history, utilizing highly divergent habitats, the reasons for declines may be multiple and difficult to disentangle. Using recreational angling data of two sea age groups, one-sea-winter (1SW) and two-sea-winter (2SW) fish originated from the same smolt year class, we show that sea age at maturity of the returns has increased in 59 Norwegian rivers over the cohorts 1991– 2005. By means of linear mixed-effects models we found that the proportion of 1SW fish spawning in Norway has decreased concomitant with the increasing sea surface temperature experienced by the fish in autumn during their first year at sea. Furthermore, the decrease in the proportion of 1SW fish was influenced by freshwater conditions as measured by water discharge during summer months 1 year ahead of seaward migration. These results suggest that part of the variability in age at maturity can be explained by the large-scale changes occurring in the north-eastern Atlantic pelagic food web affecting postsmolt growth, and by differences in river conditions influencing presmolt growth rate and later upstream migration.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Correlations among species distributions, human density and human infrastructure across the high biodiversity tropical mountains of Africa
This paper explores whether spatial variation in the biodiversity values of vertebrates and plants (species richness, range-size rarity and number or proportion of IUCN Red Listed threatened species) of three African tropical mountain ranges (Eastern Arc, Albertine Rift and Cameroon-Nigeria mountains within the Biafran Forests and Highlands) co-vary with proxy measures of threat (human population density and human infrastructure). We find that species richness, range-size rarity, and threatened species scores are all significantly higher in these three tropical African mountain ranges than across the rest of sub-Saharan Africa. When compared with the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, human population density is only significantly higher in the Albertine Rift mountains, whereas human infrastructure is only significantly higher in the Albertine Rift and the Cameroon-Nigeria mountains. Statistically there are strong positive correlations between human density and species richness, endemism and density or proportion of threatened species across the three tropical African mountain ranges, and all of sub-Saharan Africa. Kendall partial rank-order correlation shows that across the African tropical mountains human popula- tion density, but not human infrastructure, best correlates with biodiversity values. This is not the case across all of sub-Saharan Africa where human density and human infra- structure both correlate almost equally well with biodiversity values. The primary conser- vation challenge in the African tropical mountains is a fairly dense and poor rural population that is reliant on farming for their livelihood. Conservation strategies have o address agricultural production and expansion, in some cases across the boundaries and into existing reserves. Strategies also have to maintain, or finalise, an adequate protected area network. Such strategies cannot be implemented in conflict with the local population, but have to find ways to provide benefits to the people living adjacent to the remaining for- ested areas, in return for their assistance in conserving the forest habitats, their biodiver- sity, and their ecosystem functions. Africa Biodiversity Human infrastructure Human population Tropical mountains
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Cumulative Effects of Fire and Fuels Management on Stream Water Quality and Ecosystem Dynamics
Prescribed fires and wildland fire-use are increasingly important management tools used to reduce fuel loads and restore the ecological integrity of western forests. Although a basic understanding of the effects of fire on aquatic ecosystems exists, the cumulative and possibly synergistic effects of wildfire following prescribed fire are unknown. Wildfires following prescribed fire may produce different burn severities and effects on riparian and stream ecosystems than wildfires in fire suppressed forests (e.g., fires absent >70 yrs) or prescribed fires alone. The goal of this study was to quantify and compare the effects of wildfire on stream and riparian ecosystems under three fire management practices: (1) wildfire following prescribed fire, (2) wildfire in fire suppressed forests, and (3) wildfire occurring at historic fire return intervals. We compared 6-7 years (2001-2006/07) of stream and riparian data collected prior to two large wildfire events to 3 years (2008-2010) of similar data collected after wildfire in catchments along the South Fork Salmon River and Big Creek in central Idaho. Here we report our preliminary findings on riparian- and catchment-level burn severity patterns, riparian forest structure, hydrology, amphibians, aquatic macroinvertebrates, periphyton, and instream habitat, including temperature, chemistry, substrate, sedimentation, and large woody debris. We found that the management practice of prescribed fire treatment prior to wildfire significantly reduced wildfire burn severity patterns in treated catchments relative to untreated catchments. This reduction in burn severity appeared to reduce wildfire effects on stream and riparian ecosystems rather than cause cumulative effects of prescribed fire plus wildfire. Instead, we found that the effects of natural inter-annual variability in stream flow and stochastic disturbances, such as debris flows and channel scouring events, are the dominant drivers of change in stream and riparian habitats in this region, with fire management practices playing a much smaller role.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Defaunation in the Anthropocene
We live amid a global wave of anthropogenically driven biodiversity loss: species and population extirpations and, critically, declines in local species abundance. Particularly, human impacts on animal biodiversity are an under-recognized form of global environmental change. Among terrestrial vertebrates, 322 species have become extinct since 1500, and populations of the remaining species show 25% average decline in abundance. Invertebrate patterns are equally dire: 67% of monitored populations show 45% mean abundance decline. Such animal declines will cascade onto ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Much remains unknown about this “Anthropocene defaunation”; these knowledge gaps hinder our capacity to predict and limit defaunation impacts. Clearly, however, defaunation is both a pervasive component of the planet’s sixth mass extinction and also a major driver of global ecological change 25 JULY 2014 • VOL 345 ISSUE 6195
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Domesticated Nature: Shaping Landscapes and Ecosystems for Human Welfare
Like all species, humans have exercised their impulse to perpetuate and propagate themselves. In doing so, we have domesticated landscapes and ecosystems in ways that enhance our food supplies, reduce exposure to predators and natural dangers, and promote commerce. On average, the net benefits to humankind of domesticated nature have been positive. We have, of course, made mistakes, causing unforeseen changes in ecosystem attributes, while leaving few, if any, truly wild places on Earth. Going into the future, scientists can help humanity to domesticate nature more wisely by quantifying the tradeoffs among ecosystem services, such as how increasing the provision of one service may decrease ecosystem resilience and the provision of other services.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Early warning signals of extinction in deteriorating environments
During the decline to extinction, animal populations may present dynamical phenomena not exhibited by robust populations (1,2). Some of these phenomena, such as the scaling of demographic variance, are related to small size (3–6) whereas others result from density- dependent nonlinearities (7). Although understanding the causes of population extinction has been a central problem in theoretical biology for decades (8), the ability to anticipate extinction has remained elusive (9). Here we argue that the causes of a population’s decline are central to the predictability of its extinction. Specifically, environmental degradation may cause a tipping point in population dynamics, corresponding to a bifurcation in the underlying population growth equations, beyond which decline to extinction is almost certain. In such cases, imminent extinction will be signalled by critical slowing down (CSD) critical slowing down
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Ecological extinction and evolution in the brave new ocean
The great mass extinctions of the fossil record were a major creative force that provided entirely new kinds of opportunities for the subsequent explosive evolution and diversification of surviving clades. Today, the synergistic effects of human impacts are laying the groundwork for a comparably great Anthropocene mass extinction in the oceans with unknown ecological and evolutionary consequences. Synergistic effects of habitat destruction, overfishing, introduced species, warming, acidification, toxins, and massive runoff of nutrients are transforming once complex ecosystems like coral reefs and kelp forests into monotonous level bottoms, transforming clear and productive coastal seas into anoxic dead zones, and transforming complex food webs topped by big animals into simplified, microbially dominated ecosystems with boom and bust cycles of toxic dinoflagel- late blooms, jellyfish, and disease. Rates of change are increasingly fast and nonlinear with sudden phase shifts to novel alternative community states. We can only guess at the kinds of organisms that will benefit from this mayhem that is radically altering the selective seascape far beyond the consequences of fishing or warming alone. The prospects are especially bleak for animals and plants compared with metabolically flexible microbes and algae. Halting and ultimately reversing these trends will require rapid and fundamental changes in fisheries, agricultural practice, and the emissions of green- house gases on a global scale.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File ECMAScript program Ecological responses to recent climate change
There is now ample evidence of the ecological impacts of recent climate change, from polar terrestrial to tropical marine environments. The responses of both flora and fauna span an array of ecosystems and organizational hierarchies, from the species to the community levels. Despite continued uncertainty as to community and ecosystem trajectories under global change, our review exposes a coherent pattern of ecological change across systems. Although we are only at an early stage in the projected trends of global warming, ecological responses to recent climate change are already clearly visible.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Effects of Flow Regulation on Shallow-Water Habitat Dynamics and Floodplain Connectivity
Our study examined the effects of flow regulation on the spatiotemporal availability of shallow habitat patches with slow current velocity (SSCV patches) and floodplain inundation in the unregulated Yellowstone River and the regulated Missouri River in Montana and North Dakota. We mapped representative sites and used hydraulic models and hydrograph data to describe the frequency and extent of floodplain inundation and the availability of SSCV habitat over time during different water years. In the Yellowstone River the distribution, location, and size of SSCV patches varied but followed an annual pattern that was tied to the snowmelt runoff hydrograph. There was less variation in patch distribution in the Missouri River, and the pattern of habitat availability was influenced by flow regulation. Regulated flows and their effects on channel mor- phology and patterns of vegetation establishment resulted in 3.0–3.5 times less area of inundated woody vegetation during normal and dry years in the Missouri River compared with the Yellow- stone River. The differences we observed in SSCV patch dynamics between rivers may have implications for fish populations and community structure through affecting the survival of early life stages. At a larger scale, the smaller area of vegetation inundated in the Missouri River suggests that nutrient cycling and the ecological benefits associated with a moving littoral zone are reduced by the altered flow and sediment regime in that river. Accurate assessments of the effects of flow alteration and successful efforts to restore riverine ecosystems will require consideration of physical and biotic processes that operate at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents