Conservation Planning Process
Dr. Robert Baldwin of Clemson University explains in this video the steps involved in the conservation planning process.
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Designing reserves for biodiversity
What is the best way to design a new conservation reserve? There are multiple factors to consider, including species diversity, spatial extent, and future climate changes.
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Dettmers, Randy
I work on conservation planning (biological foundation and landscape design) for birds of conservation concern, with a focus on landbirds, as well as designing and implementing monitoring programs to track population status of such species and evaluate the success of conservation actions for these species.
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Expertise Search
Emerging Consensus Shows Climate Change Already Having Major Effects on Ecosystems and Species
Plant and animal species are shifting their geographic ranges and the timing of their life events – such as flowering, laying eggs or migrating – at faster rates than researchers documented just a few years ago, according to a technical report on biodiversity and ecosystems used as scientific input for the 2013 Third National Climate Assessment.
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Fact Sheet: Habitat - Forested Stream and/or Seepage
Forested stream environments are typically found in the buffer zones between forested land and stream banks, often known as riparian zones. Stream headwaters and seepage areas occur where ground water percolates to the surface through muck, mossy rock, and nettles. It can also be found under rocks, among gravel, or cobble where water has begun to percolate in areas near open water. Breeding grounds are commonly found beneath mosses growing on rocks, on logs, or soil surfaces in these types of seepage areas.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: Habitat - Forest/Woodlands
Forest/Woodland habitats describe large areas primarily dominated by trees, with moderate ground coverage, such as grasses and shrubs. Density, tree height, and land use may all vary, though woodland is typically used to describe lower density forests. A forest may have an open canopy, but a woodland must have an open canopy with enough sunlight to reach the ground and limited shade.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: Habitat - Meadows and Marshlands
Meadows are open grasslands where grass and other non-woody plants are the primary vegetation. With no tree coverage, meadows are typically open, sunny areas that attract flora and fauna that require both ample space and sunlight. These conditions allow for the growth of many wildflowers and are typically important ecosystems for pollinating insects. Marshlands are like meadows in that they typically have no tree coverage and host primarily grasses and woody plants. However, a defining characteristic of marshlands is their wetland features.
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Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: Habitat - Open Woodlands
Used generally to describe low density forests, open woodland ecosystems contain widely spaced trees whose crowns do not touch, causing for an open canopy, insignificant midstory canopy layer, sparse understory and where groundcover is the most obvious feature of the landscape dominated by diverse flora (grasses, forbes, sedges). Open Woodlands provide habitat for a diverse mix of wildlife species, several of which are of conservation concern, such as Red Headed Woodpecker, Prairie Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Northern Bobwhite and Eastern Red Bat.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Federally Endangered Bat Found in North Georgia: First Indiana Bat in Almost 50 Years
In May of last year, a federally endangered Indiana bat woke from hibernation in her Tennessee cave and traveled to a north Georgia forest. This rite of spring may have gone unnoticed except for the fact that the tiny bat carried a transmitter the size of a toothpick.
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Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries Reopen Public Comment Period on Process for Identifying Habitat Essential to Species Protected Under the ESA
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) have reopened the public comment period on a joint proposal to simplify the process of identifying habitat essential to the survival and recovery of species protected by the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Due to public interest in this proposal and multiple requests for additional time, the agencies, which jointly administer the ESA, will accept comments and information from the public for an additional 90 days.
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